Pandemi COVID-19, telah memberikan dampak yang besar pada sistem Pendidikan di Indonesia. Pembelajaran secara daring akhirnya diterapkan dengan berbagai keterbatasan yang ada. Salah satu Madrasah Aliyah Swasta di Kabupaten Jember menerapkan pembelajaran daring dan menghadapi berbagai tantangan dalam pelaksanaanya. Beberapa permasalahan tersebut antara lain berkurangnya tingkat keaktifan siswa dan menurunnya motivasi siswa. Terutama pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, siswa juga tidak mendapatkan language practices sehingga mereka tidak bisa berlatih menggunakan Bahasa target secara maksimal. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan keaktifan dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris siswa selama masa pandemic COVID 19. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yaitu dengan memberikan pelatihan pembelajaran interaktif melalui gamifikasi online. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan hasil yang positif dalam pengetahuan siswa, keterampilan keaktifan serta motivasi yang meningkat.
Kata kunci: covid 19; gamifikasi online; pembelajaran.
This pandemic situation of Covid-19 has impacted every aspect of life, particularly on education. The government has obliged all schools to conduct online learning. Many schools faced problems when implementing online learning. One of the schools was private Islamic High School (Madrasah Aliyah Swasta) in Jember Regency. This school was not ready in facing all changes through online learning. Due to insufficient facilities, both teachers and students only used WhatsApp application during the teaching learning process. The teacher sent the English teaching material and asked them to do all exercises. As the time passed, the students were bored and reluctant to finish all assignment. With these activities, in fact the students did not get any chances to have language practices in order to apply what they have learned in class. From this situation the Community service team carried out a training in utilizing online gamification during online learning. The purpose of this activity was to increase the students’ motivation in learning English.
Keywords: covid 19; online gamification; learning
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