Yessi Affriyenni, Vita Ria Mustikasari, Erni Yulianti, Erti Hamimi


Abstrak: Revolusi industri 4.0 menyasar pada teknologi terapan dan berdampak langsung kepada masyarakat termasuk golongan yang bergerak pada bidang pendidikan yakni guru dan dosen. Para pendidik dituntut untuk selalu berinovasi dengan metode belajar, model pembelajaran, penilaian serta umpan baliknya terutama di masa pandemi COVID-19. Untuk itu, dilaksanakanlah kegiatan workshop dengan tema pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi mobile (bergerak) dilengkapi teknologi augmented reality dalam pelaksanaan asesmen formatif IPA. Tujuan workshop ini adalah membantu para guru dalam pelaksanaan penilaian (asesmen) berbantuan teknologi yang sedang berkembang saat ini yaitu Augmented Reality terintegrasi dengan teknologi internet dan perangkat bergerak lainnya di masa pandemik. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan utama yakni tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan penyusunan laporan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan workshop ini dilaksanakan secara daring melalui platform Zoom pada tanggal 16-18 Juni 2020 yang terdiri dari penyampaian materi 1 dan materi 2, diskusi, serta tugas mandiri. Kegiatan pengabdian berjalan baik dan lancar dengan 97,1% peserta menyatakan materi yang dibawakan jelas dan bobot tugas yang proporsional, Selain itu, sebanyak empat orang peserta workshop berhasil mendiseminasikan karyanya melalui sebuah seminar berskala nasional.

Abstract: Industrial revolution 4.0 targets applied technology and directly impacts people including the educational community such as teachers and lecturers. The educators are required to keep innovating the learning method, model, and assessment along with its feedback, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic era. Thus, a workshop with the theme of the use of mobile applications equipped with augmented reality in Science formative assessment was conducted. The purpose of this workshop is to assist the teachers in conducting assessments equipped with currently developing technology which is the Augmented Reality integrated with the internet and other mobile applications in the pandemic era. The activity of this community service consists of three main stages including planning, execution, and reporting. The workshop execution was conducted virtually through the Zoom platform on June 16th-18th, 2020 including the presentation of 1st and 2nd material, discussion, and independent structured assignment. The community service went well and smoothly with the material clarity responses reached 97.1% and proportional workload. Besides, four participants have submitted and disseminated their papers through a national-scaled conference.


Workshop; Mobile Applications; Augmented Reality; Formative Assessment.

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