Ana Majdawati, Inayati Inayati


Abstrak: Paska TB adalah pasien Tuberkulosis (TB) yang pernah mendapat Obat Anti TB (OAT) dan dinyatakan sembuh. Data menunjukkan 56,41% paska TB masih bergejala dan 88,5% terdapat temuan lesi radiografi toraks, terbanyak infiltrat 64,8%. Data penelitian tahun 2020 di Kecamatan Mergangsan dari 54 pasien paska TB dilakukan radiografi toraks didapatkan normal 27,8% dan abnormal 62,2%. Test kebugaran menunjukkan 75,9% abnormal dan 24,1% normal. Kapasitas paru (VO2max) kriteria baik 62,96% dan tidak baik 27,04%.  Data ini menunjukkan walaupun secara klinis penderita sudah dinyatakan sembuh dari TB, tetapi keluhan tetap ada yang mengakibatkan gangguan kualitas hidup yaitu keluhan pernafasan dan kebugaran, disebut SPOT (Sindroma Penyakit Obstruksi akibat Tuberkulosis). Tujuan pengabdian ini memberikan informasi data temuan kepada kader tentang dampak paska TB, memberikan pelatihan bagaimana mengelola keluhan akibat adanya sequele paru yang mempengaruhi kebugaran dan kualitas hidup pada paska TB. Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian masyarakat, yaitu ceramah, Small Group Discussion (SGD), brainstorming, materi dan audiovisual teknik pernafasan. Keberhasilan kegiatan dibuktikan ketercapaian pengetahuan komplikasi paska TB dan penatalaksanaannya, Teknik pernafasan dengan ketercapaian skor 75% menjadi 100% serta teknik komunikasi dengan lembar cecklist dari 0% menjadi 100%.

Abstract: Post Tuberculose (TB) is a patient who has received anti-TB drugs (OAT) and is declared cured. The data showed that 56.41% post-TB was still symptomatic and 88.5% had findings of chest radiographic lesions, most of which were infiltrates 64.8%. The data of the 2020 study in Mergangsan District from 54 post-TB patients who were subjected to chest radiographs obtained normal 27.8% and abnormal 62.2%. The fitness test showed 75.9% abnormal and 24.1% normal. Lung capacity (VO2max) criteria is 62.96% good and 27.04% not good. This data shows that even though the patient has been clinically declared cured of TB, there are still complaints that cause quality of life problems, namely respiratory and fitness complaints, called SPOT (Obstruction Disease Syndrome due to Tuberculosis). The purpose of this service is to provide information on findings to cadres about the impact of post-TB, to provide training on how to manage complaints due to pulmonary sequelae that affect fitness and quality of life in post-TB. The methods used in community service are lectures, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), fitness and respiratory practices. The success of the activity was proven by the achievement of knowledge and communication skills with post-TB patients in cadres based on pretest, post-test scores that showed an increase from an average of 70 to 90 and an assessment of FGD quality and respiratory skills and fitness from 60% to 100%.


Post TB, Chest Radiograph, Fitness Test, Quality of Life.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jces.v4i2.4143


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