Journal title | Linguistics and ELT Journal |
Initials | LELTJ |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (June and Desember) |
DOI | prefix 10.31764 by |
Print ISSN | 2339-2940 |
Online ISSN | 2614-8633 |
Editor-in-Chief | Dr. Ilham, M.Pd |
OAI Adress | |
Publisher | Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram |
Contact | [email protected] |
+62 878-6569-4697 | |
Publication | June 2015 |
Status | LELTJ is nationally accredited by directorate General of Higher Education at level 4 (SINTA 4) dated 15 Mey 2024 (Decree number 72/E/KPT/2024; effective until volume 15, No. 2, December 2027) |
Indexing by | Sinta | Google Scholar | OneSearch | Portal Garuda | Neliti | Moraref | Crossref | Dimensions |
Focus and Scope | Linguistics and ELT Journal covers some major topics:
Vol 12, No 2 (2024): December (In progress)
Table of Contents
Nia Kurniati, Dinda Nur Khadijah, Della Rismiati, Anik Apriliani
Views of Abstract: 10
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Sujarwo Sujarwo, Sukmawati Sukmawati, Asdar Asdar
Views of Abstract: 13
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Cynthia Ma, Alya Vania Rahma, Muhammad Rizky Septiandri, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti
Views of Abstract: 11
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Mutiara Romi Artika, Devi Sofilla, Wina Avrillia Handyanto, Khairun Nisa, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti
Views of Abstract: 32
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Sahri Suwandi, Rifari Baron, Adi Permana
Views of Abstract: 12
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Sartika Hijriati
Views of Abstract: 0
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