Elma Apriani, Hilman Syahrial Haq, M. Taufik Rachman


The research entitled "Juridical Review of Transfer of Land Ownership Rights in Kapling in Sumbawa Regency" aims to find out the process of transferring land ownership rights that are traded in kapling at the Sumbawa district land office, to find out the legal certainty of ownership of land plots that are traded in Sumbawa district.

The approach methods in this research are Normative and Empirical, the normative approach is a document study, and Empirical research is one type of legal research that analyzes and examines the operation of law in society.

The results of this study conclude that the registration of transfer of rights to land plots is held at the National Land Agency (BPN Sumbawa Regency) while the process of buying and selling land plots itself is held before a Notary / PPAT to obtain an authentic deed. and the process of transferring ownership rights to land plots that are traded, which includes using PPAT services, checking certificates to BPN, submitting proof of payment of SPPT PBB, submitting seller and buyer documents, signing the sale and purchase deed. The process of selling and buying before a Notary / PPAT is clear that there is legal security for the land plot being traded and gets legal protection in the event of a problem / dispute. Meanwhile, if the process of buying and selling land plots is carried out under the hand, then the lack of witnesses in the transaction process takes place because it is not through the presence of a Notary / PPAT.


Transfer of Rights, Kapling Land, Legal Certainty

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The Civil Code (KUHP)

Law No. 5 of 1960 on the Basic Regulation of Agrarian Principles

Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration








An interview with Mr. M. Zhafin Yordana Aswari was conducted as part of the land transfer section at the Sumbawa Regency Land Office.

A personal interview was conducted with Notary/PPAT Yulius Koylal Putra.

An interview was conducted with Ms. Nopi Susilwati, who serves as the counter and registration section at the Sumbawa Regency Land Office (Sumbawa Land Office).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jmk.v15i1.23098


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