Trasformasi Digital dalam Industri Pariwisata: Tantangan dan Peluang

Jumatul Aolia, Novi Yanti Sandra Dewi, Ahadiah Agustina, Zaenafi Ariani, Nur Fitri Hidayanti, Nur'aini Nur'aini


Abstract: Digital transformation has been at the forefront of the tourism industry in recent years. Digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain have significantly impacted operational and management aspects in the tourism sector. This research aims to investigate how digital transformation influences the tourism industry, focusing on the challenges faced and the opportunities presented. The study employs a systematic literature review method, drawing sources from indexes such as Scopus, DOAJ, and Google Scholar, covering publications from 2014 to 2024. Findings from this research indicate that technologies such as AI and IoT enhance the competitiveness of the tourism industry through improved operational efficiency and service quality. Additionally, digital marketing approaches enable companies to effectively reach and retain customers through real-time behavioral analysis and feedback. The review results provide deep insights into the positive impact of digital transformation on the tourism industry while identifying challenges that need to be addressed, such as complex technology integration and enhanced data protection. Practical implications of these findings include guidance for practitioners to adopt digital technologies effectively, aiming to enhance customer experiences and operational efficiency in the increasingly connected global tourism context.

Abstrak: Transformasi digital telah menjadi pusat perhatian dalam industri pariwisata selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Teknologi digital seperti kecerdasan buatan (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), dan blockchain telah membawa dampak signifikan terhadap operasional dan manajemen di sektor pariwisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki bagaimana transformasi digital mempengaruhi industri pariwisata, dengan fokus pada tantangan yang dihadapi serta peluang yang dihadirkan. Studi ini menggunakan metode systematic literature review dengan memilih sumber-sumber dari pengindek seperti Scopus, DOAJ, Google Scholar, dengan rentang publikasi antara tahun 2014 hingga 2024. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teknologi seperti AI dan IoT mampu meningkatkan daya saing industri pariwisata melalui peningkatan efisiensi operasional dan kualitas layanan. Selain itu, pendekatan pemasaran digital memungkinkan perusahaan untuk secara efektif menjangkau dan mempertahankan pelanggan melalui analisis perilaku dan umpan balik secara real-time. Hasil review ini memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang dampak positif transformasi digital terhadap industri pariwisata, sambil mengidentifikasi tantangan yang perlu diatasi, seperti integrasi teknologi yang kompleks dan perlindungan data yang lebih baik. Implikasi praktis dari temuan ini mencakup panduan bagi praktisi untuk mengadopsi teknologi digital dengan tepat guna meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan dan efisiensi operasional dalam konteks pariwisata global yang semakin terhubung.


Transformasi Digital, Industri Pariwisata, Kecerdasan Buatan, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Systematic Literature Review.

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Klimova, T. B., Bogomazova, I. V., Rakhimbekova, Z. S., Yelubayeva, Z. M., & Tarakbayeva, R. Y. (2023). Development of the Tourism Industry in the Context of Digital Transformation. In Approaches to Global Sustainability, Markets, and Governance: Vol. Part F643 (pp. 83–93).

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Levchenko, K. V., Dianova, E. S., & Sharifullina, A. I. (2022). Problems And Prospects Of Using Digital Technologies In Tourism. Proceedings of the International Conference «Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism» (SCTCMG 2022), 19-21 April, 2022, Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia, 128, 568–575.

Lindawati, S., Hendri, M., & Hutahaean, J. (2020). Pemasaran Digital.

M. Sai. (2017). Pengaruh Model Group Investigation Berbasis Internet Terhadap Hasil Belajar dan Kemampuan Digital Literasi Siswa. Harmoni Sosial : Jurnal Pendidikan IPS, 4(1), 39–54.

Made Astuti Wahyu Utami, N., & Ekonomi Pengembangan Tanaman Porang Di Masa, P. (2021). Pandemi Covid-19. In Journal Viabel Pertanian (Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp. 72–82).

Mukhlis, I. R., Hayam, U., & Perbanas, W. (2023). Tren technopreneurship. In Researchgate.Net (Issue September).

Musina, G. A., Akhmadiyeva, A. F., & Atazhanova, A. A. (2023). Key Trends of Digitalization in the Tourism Industry. Vestnik BIST (Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies), 1(1(58)), 28–34.

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Prastiwi, N., Shaluhiyah, Z., & Agushybana, F. (2019). Pengaruh Pemasangan Poster Anjuran Buang Sampah terhadap Pemanfaatan Tempat Sampah di Tempat Wisata. Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia, 14(2), 149.

Sahban, M. A. (2018). Kolaborasi Pembangunan Ekonomi di Negara Berkembang. In Jurnal Teknik Kimia (Vol. 23, Issue 1, p. 23).

Salimah, M., Frendika, I. D. M. F., & Navitas, P. (2023). Perubahan Perilaku Wisatawan dan Aktivitas Wisata Pasca Terjadinya Pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Yogyakarta. Jurnal Penataan Ruang, August, 19.

Sánchez-Bayón, A. (2023). Digital Transition and Readjustment on EU Tourism Industry. Studies in Business and Economics, 18(1), 275–297.

Sarna, S., & Tyagi, A. (2023). Transforming the Hospitality and Tourism Industry (pp. 179–198).

Sh.O.Toshpulatova. (2023). Digitalization of the Tanzania’s Tourism Industry (2023) _ Sh

Stankova, M., & Kaleychev, S. (2023). Digital Transformation in the Hotel Industry: Shaping the Challenges and Opportunities by the Case of Five-Star Hotels in Bulgaria. In Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management: Vol. Part F275 (pp. 205–232).

Sudiartha, I. K. G., Indrayana, I. N. E., Suasnawa, I. W., & Ciptayani, P. I. (2018). Design And Implementation of Group Tourist Monitoring Application With Realtime Database Firebase. 1(Icst), 1078–1083.

Syebani, B., & Iman, jaya nur. (2018). Dapatkan_ Buku catatan.

Yu, P. (2023). Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Transformation of China’s Cultural Tourism Industry in the Post-Epidemic Era. BCP Business & Management, 44, 449–456.


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