Analysis of the Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Method in Developing Students' Analytical Mathematical Thinking Skills
Abstract: This study constitutes a systematic literature review aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) methods in developing students' analytical mathematical thinking skills. The literature sources were extracted from Scopus, DOAJ, and Google Scholar indices, covering the publication period from 2013 to 2023. The research findings indicate that the consistent implementation of PBL has a positive impact on the development of students' analytical mathematical thinking skills. Empirical findings from various studies support the claim that PBL is effective in enhancing critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills among students. Despite variations in the contexts and PBL approaches employed, the overall research results demonstrate the effectiveness of PBL in advancing students' analytical mathematical thinking skills. The implications of this research provide support for the implementation of PBL in the context of mathematics education, with the potential for a positive contribution to the development of students' analytical thinking skills.
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