Alfyananda Kurnia Putra, Hadi Soekamto, Heni Masruroh, Budi Handoyo, Imam Arifa’illah Syaiful Huda, Permita Luana Diyah Syaibana



Perkembangan teknologi menuntut guru dalam menghadirkan proses pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif. Media pembelajaran yang terintegrasi dengan teknologi dapat menjadi daya tarik bagi siswa dalam meningkatkan kompetensi abad 21. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan Gamification berbasis Game Based Virtual Learning Environment  (VLE) terhadap kemampuan Guru dalam memahami basic gamification element. Metode kegiatan berupa pelatihan dengan menggunakan pretest dan posttest untuk mengukur kompetensi Guru dalam memahami basic gamification element. Tahapan pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan empat tahap yang terdiri dari: : 1) tahap assessment, 2) tahap persiapan, dan 3) tahap implementasi program dan 4) tahap evaluasi program. Subjek penelitian adalah Guru terutama Guru Geografi. Analisis data menggunakan Uji paired sample test dengan nilai N-Gain Score. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa Guru dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memahami basic gamification element melalui praktik.


Kata kunci: gamification; game-based virtual learning environment; geoedu workshop.



Technological developments require teachers to present innovative and creative learning processes. Learning media integrated with technology can be an attraction for students in improving 21st-century competence. This service aims to determine the effect of Gamification training based on Game Based Virtual Learning Environment on the teacher's ability to understand basic gamification elements. The activity method is training using a pretest and posttest to measure teacher competency in understanding basic gamification elements. The implementation stage is carried out in four stages consisting of 1) the assessment stage, 2) the preparation stage, 3) the program implementation stage, and 4) the program evaluation stage. The research subjects were teachers, especially geography teachers. Data analysis used a paired sample test with an N-Gain Score. The training results show that teachers can improve their understanding of basic gamification elements through practice.


Keywords: gamification; game-based virtual learning environment; geoedu workshop.


gamification; game-based virtual learning environment; geoedu workshop.

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