Ahmad Ilham Tanzil, Ryka Afhe Amela, Wildan Muhlison, Bety Etikasari



Masyarakat Desa Cakru, Kecamatan Kencong memiliki mayoritas penduduk sebagai petani sekitar 80% dan sisanya hampir 20% menjadi peternak hewan dan ikan. Komoditas tanaman yang dibudidayakan meliputi tanaman padi yang ditanam saat mulai musim penghujan. Selain itu ada pula tanaman jagung dan palawija. Potensi limbah yang dihasilkan dari tiap komoditas tanaman di Desa Cakru tiap selesai panen melimpah dan sebagian belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut tim pengusul melalui program hibah Satu Desa Satu Dosen dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Jember yang berkerjasama dengan Universitas Jember  berinisiatif untuk memberikan penyuluhan terkait pemanfaatan limbah sebagai bahan budidaya Maggot BSF (Black Soldier Fly). Manfaat kegiatan agar masyarakat khususnya di wilayah Cakru dapat memanfaatkan limbah pertanian yang mampu mendukung kelestarian lingkungan melalui program Pertanian Terpadu (Integrated Farming). Pertanian terpadu mampu memanfaatkan limbah pertanian sebagai bahan baku pakan Maggot BSF untuk nantinya sebagai pakan ternak ikan maupun hewan serta limbah sampingan menjadi pupuk organik tanaman.


Kata kunci: black soldier fly; satu desa satu dosen; hermetia illucens; pertanian terpadu, dekomposer.



The people of Cakru Village, Kencong District have the majority of the population as farmers, around 80%, and the remaining almost 20% are animal and fish breeders. Cultivated plant commodities include rice plants planted at the start of the rainy season. In addition, there are also corn and crops. The potential for waste generated from each plant commodity in Cakru Village after each harvest is abundant and some have not been properly utilized. Based on these problems the proposing team through the One Village One Lecturer grant program from the Jember Regency Government in collaboration with the University of Jember took the initiative to provide counseling regarding the use of waste as BSF Maggot cultivation material. The benefits of this activity are so that the community, especially in the Cakru area, can utilize agricultural waste which can support environmental sustainability through the Integrated Farming program by utilizing agricultural waste as a raw material for Maggot BSF feed to later be used as fish and animal feed as well as by-products to become organic plant fertilizer.


Keywords: black soldier fly; one village one lecturer; hermetia illucens; integrated farming, decomposer.


black soldier fly; one village one lecturer; hermetia illucens; integrated farming, decomposer.

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