Inventarisasi penyakit pada warga di sekitar SMA Santa Maria 2 Bandung berbasis praktik kolaborasi interprofesional
Pemeriksaan kesehatan dalam upaya preventif merupakan hal utama untuk dilakukan pada masyarakat. Permasalahan yang terjadi pada mitra (SMA Santa Maria 2 dan Kecamatan Kiaracondong) adalah belum adanya praktik kolaborasi interprofesional dalam menginventerisasi penyakit pada warga. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan menginventarisasi penyakit pada warga di sekitar SMA Santa Maria 2 Bandung berbasis praktik kolaborasi interprofesional. Metode pemberdayaan dilakukan menggunakan demonstrasi. Pelayanan kesehatan diikuti 86 warga masyarakat di wilayah sekitar SMA Santa Maria 2 Bandung pada Sabtu, 2 September 2023. Praktik kolaborasi interprofesional dilakukan oleh profesi dengan latar belakang keilmuan keperawatan, farmasi, rekam medis dan kedokteran. Hasil kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan pada masyarakat didapatkan data demografik (rata-rata usia 49 tahun dan masyarakat berjenis kelamin perempuan 57%), tanda vital dan riwayat kesehatan, diagnosa medis dan obat (pre-hipertensi 38.4%; gula darah tidak normal 4,5%; asam urat 10%; dan kolestrol 45%). Praktik kolaborasi interprofesional berjalan dengan baik dapat terlihat dari perilaku kolaboratif berdasarkan hasil self reported tim. Penyakit terbanyak berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan adalah hipertensi. Praktik kolaborasi interprofesional dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat seperti pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat.
Kata kunci: asam urat; hipertensi; kolestrol; praktik kolaborasi interprofesional
The practice of interprofessional collaboration through the cooperation of health professionals can have a positive impact on health services. Effective interprofessional collaboration practices will provide safe and high-quality health care to patients. This community service activity aims to provide health services to the community through free health checks and medication based on interprofessional collaboration practices. The empowerment method was carried out using demonstrations. Health services were attended by 86 community members in the area around Santa Maria 2 Bandung High School on Saturday, September 2, 2023. Interprofessional collaboration practices are carried out by professionals with scientific backgrounds in nursing, pharmacy, medical records, and medicine. The results of health service activities in the community obtained demographic data (average age of 49 years and 57% female), vital signs and medical history, medical diagnoses, and drugs (pre-hypertension 38.4%; abnormal blood sugar 4.5%; uric acid 10%; and cholesterol 45%). The practice of interprofessional collaboration goes well can be seen from collaborative behavior based on the results of the self-reported team. The most common disease based on the results of the health examination is hypertension. Interprofessional collaboration practices can be carried out through community service activities such as community health services.
Keywords: cholesterol; hypertension; the practice of interprofessional; urin acid
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