Pelatihan pembuatan bodi kendaraan bagi SMK berbasis pesantren

Rizki Setiadi, Wirawan Sumbodo, Febrian Arif Budiman



SMK Roudlotul Mubtadiin Balekambang merupakan SMK yang berbasis Pesantren yang sedang mengembangkan kendaraan listrik.  Bodi yang saat ini dibuat hanya menggunakan campuran fiberglass dan resin kemudian di cat. Hasil dari pembuatan bodi masih terlalu tipis, terlihat belum rata, dan kurang memuaskan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya, menunjukkan bahwa bodi kendaraan listrik yang dikembangkan belum diukur secara matematis terkait kekuatan dan tampilan bodi yang kurang baik. Pelaksanakan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini ditempuh dengan berbagai metode agar target luaran yang diharapkan dapat tercapai dengan efektif dan efisien. Beberapa metode yang ingin diterapkan antara lain dengan ceramah, demonstrasi, praktik langsung, dan pendampingan. Pilihan metode disesuaikan dengan materi dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan hasil pre-test diperoleh rata-rata pengetahun siswa sebesar 47,9 dengan nilai terendah 25 dan tertinggi 25. Hasil post-test menunjukkan bahwa skor terendah pengetahuan pembuatan bodi kendaraan listrik yaitu sebesar 50 dan tertinggi sebesar 85, dengan rata-rata nilai sebesar 67,83. Berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test maka terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 41,60%. Selain peningkatan pengetahuan, juga terdapat peningkatan pembuatan bodi kendaran listrik dengan material komposit ramah lingkungan.


Kata kunci: bodi; komposit; kendaraan listrik; pesantren.



Roudlotul Mubtadiin Balekambang Vocational School is an Islamic boarding school-based vocational school that is developing electric vehicles. The body that is currently made using only a mixture of fiberglass and resin is then painted. The results of making the body are still too thin, look uneven, and unsatisfactory. Based on the results of previous studies, shows that the body an electric vehicle that has been developed has not been measured mathematically regarding the strength and appearance the body that is not good. The implementation of this community service program is carried out by various methods to achieve the expected output targets effectively and efficiently. Some of the methods to be applied include lectures, demonstrations, hands-on practice, and mentoring. The choice of method is adjusted to the material and objectives to be achieved. The pre-test training results obtained an average student knowledge of 47.9 with the lowest score of 25 and the highest score of 25. The post-test results showed that the lowest score for knowledge of electric vehicle body making was 50 and the highest was 85, with an average value of 67.83. Based on the pre-test and post-test results, there was an increase in knowledge of 41.60%. In addition to increasing knowledge, there is also an increase in the manufacture of electric vehicle bodies with environmentally friendly composite materials.


Keywords:  body; composite; electric vehicle; islamic boarding schools


body; composite; electric vehicle; islamic boarding schools

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