Strategi peningkatan nutrisi bagi pesilat muda melalui pemberdayaan pelatih dan wali pesilat di Kota Jayapura
Pencak Silat sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia memiliki potensi besar untuk dikembangkan, termasuk melalui peningkatan kualitas nutrisi atlet muda. Namun, di Kota Jayapura, rendahnya pemahaman pelatih dan wali pesilat mengenai prinsip nutrisi olahraga menjadi hambatan bagi optimalisasi performa dan kesehatan atlet. Program pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan nutrisi pelatih dan wali pesilat muda di Perguruan Persinas ASAD Kota Jayapura. Dengan melibatkan 82 peserta yang terdiri dari 10 pelatih, 25 wali pesilat, dan 47 pesilat muda, program ini dilakukan selama enam bulan melalui lokakarya, pelatihan, pendampingan, serta penggunaan aplikasi Calorie Counter Easy Fit Pro. Hasil menunjukkan peningkatan rata-rata pengetahuan nutrisi sebesar 46,8% pada semua kelompok peserta berdasarkan skor pre-test dan post-test. Pelatih pria mencatat skor post-test tertinggi (87,1), sementara wali pesilat mencapai skor 76,3. Pendampingan aplikasi berhasil meningkatkan keterampilan peserta dalam merencanakan diet dan memantau kebutuhan gizi atlet. Hambatan utama berupa keterbatasan akses teknologi dan variasi tingkat pengetahuan awal berhasil diatasi dengan strategi pelatihan adaptif. Program ini memberikan kontribusi nyata terhadap peningkatan kesadaran nutrisi, kemandirian pelatih dan wali, serta kesehatan dan performa pesilat muda. Keberhasilan ini menunjukkan potensi replikasi program pada komunitas olahraga lain. Evaluasi lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk memastikan keberlanjutan dan pengembangan program ini.
Kata kunci: nutrisi olahraga; pencak silat ; pemberdayaan; aplikasi manajemen nutrisi; pesilat muda.
Pencak Silat, as Indonesian cultural heritage, holds significant potential for development, including through improving the nutritional quality of young athletes. However, in Jayapura City, the low understanding of coaches and parents of Pencak Silat athletes regarding sports nutrition principles hinders the optimization of athletes' performance and health. This community service program aimed to increase the nutrition knowledge of coaches and parents of young athletes at Persinas ASAD Pencak Silat School in Jayapura City. Involving 82 participants consisting of 10 coaches, 25 parents, and 47 young athletes, this program was conducted over six months through workshops, training, mentoring, and the use of the Calorie Counter Easy Fit Pro application. The results showed an average increase in nutrition knowledge of 46.8% across all participant groups based on pre-test and post-test scores. Male coaches recorded the highest post-test score (87.1), while parents of athletes achieved a score of 76.3. Application mentoring successfully improved participants' skills in planning diets and monitoring athletes' nutritional needs. The main obstacles in the form of limited access to technology and variations in initial knowledge levels were successfully overcome with adaptive training strategies. This program made a real contribution to increasing nutritional awareness, the independence of coaches and parents, as well as the health and performance of young athletes. This success demonstrates the potential for replicating the program in other sports communities. Further evaluation is needed to ensure the sustainability and development of this program.
Keywords: sports nutrition; encak silat; empowerment; nutrition management application; young athletes.
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