Penggunaan ponsel saat ini sangat diperlukan, bahkan dalam kondisi pandemi COVID-19 saat ini. Masyarakat belum sadar akan bahaya penggunaan telepon seluler (HP) dalam situasi pandemi, seperti penggunaan HP pada transportasi umum (bus, kereta api, dsb), rumah sakit, dll. Pengguna HP saat di angkutan umum sering mengoperasikan HP sedangkan mungkin lupa sebelumnya telah memegang palang besi atau pintu bus sehingga HP menjadi terkontaminasi virus COVID-19. Melihat venomena ini oleh tim pengabdian masyarakat (PKM) tergerak untuk mensosialisasikan penggunaan pelindung telepon seluler tahan air dan cara membersihkan telepon seluler (HP) setelah digunakan dalam perjalanan atau diluar rumah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan saat lockdown dilaksanakan di Jakarta, maka dari itu tim melakukan sosialisasi dengan menggunakan brosur dan penyaluran bantuan kepada petugas kesehatan. Pengabdian masyarakat selain memberikan sosialisi pencegahan virus melalui perangkat HP, tim PKM memberikan menjelaskan kembali perlunya menjaga protokol kesehatan dengan memakai masker, serta cuci tangan menggunakan handsanitaizer. Tim PKM juga tergerak untuk memberikan bantuan kepada masyarakat kurang mampu yang bermukim di jalanan kawasan Cibubur dan sekitarnya. Hasil sebelum sosialisasi melalui survei dilapangan didapatkan 35% pasien dan 30% perawat menyatakan Telah mengetahui sebelumnya bahwa penggunaan pelindung Handphone (HP) diperlukan untuk pencegahan Covid-19. Hasil setelah sosialisasi melalui brosur, bahwa cara-cara pelindungan perangkat HP demi pencegahan Covid-19 sangat mudah dimengerti didapatkan hasil Pasien 93,33% dan perawat 95%. Para perawat sebesar 97.5%, dan 96.67% pasien berharap penjelasan Perlindungan HP ini perlu disosialisasikan lebih luas.
Kata kunci: pandemi covid-19; perlindungan tahan air; bersihkan ponsel.
The use of mobile phones today is indispensable, even in the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic. People are not aware of the dangers of using cell phones (HP) in a pandemic situation, such as using cellphones on public transportation (buses, trains, etc.), hospitals, etc. HP users when on public transport often operate their cellphones while they may forget that they have previously held iron bars or bus doors so that their cellphones become contaminated with the COVID-19 virus Seeing this phenomenon, the community service team (PKM) was moved to socialize the use of waterproof cell phone protectors and how to clean cell phones (HP) after being used on a trip or outside the home. Community service activities were carried out when the lockdown was implemented in Jakarta, therefore the team carried out socialization by using brochures and distributing aid to health workers. Community service in addition to providing socialization on virus prevention through mobile devices, the PKM team also explained the need to maintain health protocols by wearing masks, and washing hands using a hand sanitizer. The PKM team was also moved to provide assistance to underprivileged communities who live on the streets of the Cibubur area and its surroundings. The results before the socialization through a field survey showed that 35% of patients and 30% of nurses stated that they had known beforehand that the use of a mobile phone (HP) protector was needed to prevent Covid-19. The results after socialization through brochures, that the ways to protect HP devices for the prevention of Covid-19 are very easy to understand, the results are 93.33% patients and 95% nurses. 97.5% of nurses, and 96.67% of patients hope that this explanation of HP Protection needs to be disseminated more widely.
Keywords: covid-19 pandemic; waterproof protection; clean the cell phone
Full Text:
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