Sri Wahyuni, Sinta Nuryati, Fuadah Ashri Nurfurqoni, Maya Astuti, Fauzia Fauzia, Fauzia Djamiloes



Penurunan angka kematian ibu (AKI) diupayakan melalui program pembangunan SDGs (Suintainable Development Goals) pada poin ketiga yaitu untuk menurunkan AKI sebanyak ¾ jumlah perempuan yang meninggal selama hamil dan melahirkan. Hasil survei penduduk antar sensus (SUPAS) di Indonesia tahun 2015 menunjukkan AKI sebesar  305/100.000 kelahiran hidup, , artinya AKI masih jauh dari target SDGs tahun 2016 yaitu sebesar 70/100.000 kelahiran hidup. Salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan target di atas maka perlu adanya edukasi pada ibu hamil yang komprehensif. Tujuan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang perawatan kehamilan dan pencegahan penularan Covid-19. Metode kegiatan menggunakan  virtual class berupa group WhatsApps dengan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, voice note, video learning,  brainstorming pada 2 mitra yaitu Desa Jampang dan Tegal, Kecamatan Jampang, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan  20 orang sasaran ibu hamil. Sebelum kegiatan edukasi dilakukan  pretest. Selanjutnya post test dan monitoring  perilaku pemeriksaan kehamilan. Hasil yang didapatkan berupa peningkatan rerata pengetahan 2,9 point di desa Tegal dan 3,4 point di desa Jampang. Hasil monitoring selama satu bulan didapatkan  rata-rata kunjungan ke tenaga kesehatan adalah satu kali dalam satu bulan.


Kata kunci: edukasi; ibu hamil; perawatan kehamilan; covid-19.



The reduction in the maternal mortality rate (MMR) is pursued through the SDGs (Suintainable Development Goals) development program on the third point, namely to reduce the MMR by the number of women who die during pregnancy and childbirth. The results of the intercensus population survey (SUPAS) in Indonesia in 2015 showed an MMR of 305/100,000 live births, meaning that the AKI was still far from the 2016 SDGs target of 70/100,000 live births. One of the efforts to achieve the above target is the need for comprehensive education for pregnant women. The purpose of the activity is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about pregnancy care and prevention of Covid-19 transmission. The activity method uses virtual classes in the form of WhatsApp groups with lecture methods/techniques, question and answer, voice notes, video learning, brainstorming on 2 partners, namely Jampang and Tegal Villages, Jampang District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province with 20 pregnant women targeted. Prior to educational activities, a pretest was conducted. Furthermore, post test and monitoring of pregnancy examination behavior. The results obtained are an increase in the average knowledge of 2.9 points in the village of Tegal and 3.4 points in the village of Jampang. The results of monitoring for one month showed that the average visit to health workers was once a month.

Keywords: education; pregnant mother; pregnancy care; covid-19


education; pregnant mother; pregnancy care; covid-19

Full Text:



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