Firman Rezaldi, M. Fariz Fadillah, Mu’jijah Mu’jijah, Nurullah Asep Abdilah, Meliyawati Meliyawati



Imunitas merupakan salah satu elemen yang dapat menciptakan kesehatan pada jangka panjang terutama diera pandemi COVID-19. Ancaman imunitas yang dari penyebaran COVID-19 selain melakukan vaksin, dibutuhkan nya mengkonsumsi bahan minuman probiotik yang kaya akan sumber polifenol dan dihasilkan melalui proses bioteknologi fermentasi bunga telang yaitu kombucha. Wisatawan yang terdapat pada kawasan pantai Carita Matahari kabupaten Pandeglang Provinsi Banten cenderung mengalami peningkatan terutama pasca vaksin sehingga perlu dihimbau dan juga disosialisasikan mengenai pemanfaatan kombucha bunga telang dalam menstabilkan imunitas dari kegiatan sehari-hari yang cenderung dapat mengancam imunitas. Hasil survey telah membuktikan bahwa sebanyak 100% wisatawan yang berasal dari kaum awam yang sedang bertamasya telah mengetahui mengenai potensi kombucha bunga telang sebagai minuman probiotik yang mampu meningkatkan imunitas dan konsentrasi gula pasir sebesar 40% pada fermentasi kombucha bunga telang telah disukai oleh wisatawan baik dari segi aroma maupun rasa.


Kata kunci: pantai carita; wisatawan; imunitas; kombucha; bunga telang



Immunity is one element that can create long-term health, especially in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. The threat of immunity from the spread of COVID-19 in addition to vaccines, it is necessary to consume probiotic drink ingredients that are rich in polyphenol sources and produced through the biotechnology process of telang flower fermentation, namely kombucha. Tourists located in the Carita Matahari beach area, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province tend to experience an increase, especially after the vaccine, so they need to be encouraged and also socialized about the use of telang flower kombucha in stabilizing immunity from daily activities that tend to threaten immunity. The survey results have proven that as many as 100% of tourists who come from ordinary people who are sightseeing already know about the potential of telang flower kombucha as a probiotic drink that can increase immunity and the concentration of granulated sugar of 40% in fermented kombucha flower telang has been favored by tourists both in terms of aroma and taste.


Keywords: carita beach; traveler; immunity; telang flower


carita beach; traveler; immunity; telang flower

Full Text:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jpmb.v6i2.8472


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