Dampak Program Lingkungan Pramuka terhadap Kesadaran Lingkungan dan Partisipasi dalam Upaya Pelestarian Alam: Tinjauan dari Perspektif Sosial dan Ekologis

David Hermansyah, Yudhi Lestanata


This research constitutes a systematic literature review on the impact of the Scout Environmental Program on environmental awareness and participation in conservation efforts, taking both social and ecological perspectives into account. The literature sources used were retrieved from Scopus, DOAJ, and Google Scholar databases, covering publications from 2014-2023. The review findings indicate that the Scout Environmental Program plays a crucial role in enhancing knowledge, awareness, and pro-environmental attitudes among its participants. The program effectively fosters deep connections between participants and nature, thereby contributing to increased motivation and participation in environmental conservation activities. Education that integrates social and ecological aspects simultaneously has been shown to provide positive benefits for participants' psychological well-being and social behavior, while also strengthening their intrinsic values and responsibility towards the environment. However, there exists a gap in existing research concerning the long-term effectiveness of these experiences and how these values are sustained by participants after the program ends. This study highlights the need for further research to explore strategies that can sustain the long-term impact of this environmental education program in participants' everyday lives.


Conservation, Environmental Awareness, Participation, Scouting, Social and Ecological Perspective

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