Angga Sugiarto, Sukini Sukini, Siti Maryani, Yeni Yulistanti, Tulus Puji Hastuti


Introduction : Stunting, defined as inadequate height for age, is a severe
public health issue that affects millions of children worldwide, particularly
in low and middle-income countries. It leads to long-term impacts on
physical health, cognitive development, and economic productivity.
Psychoeducation has been identified as a potential intervention to mitigate
the effects of stunting by enhancing community and parental practices.
Method : This article reviews multiple studies that investigate the role of
psychoeducation in the prevention and management of stunting. It focuses
on community-based psychoeducational programs, the impact of parental
practices, and integrated approaches that combine nutritional support
with psychosocial stimulation. Data were extracted from peer-reviewed
journals and databases, with studies conducted from 2016 to 2023 being
included in the review.
Results : Findings indicate that psychoeducational interventions are
effective in improving knowledge and practices related to stunting
prevention among parents and caregivers. Community-based programs
that include education on nutrition, healthy parenting, and psychosocial
stimulation have shown significant improvements in child growth metrics
and cognitive development. Furthermore, interventions that enhance
psychosocial stimulation, in addition to providing nutritional support, have
demonstrated marked improvements in educational achievements and
psychological functioning of stunted children.
Discussion : The integration of psychoeducation into stunting intervention
programs is crucial for addressing both the immediate nutritional needs
and the long-term developmental challenges associated with stunting.
Effective psychoeducation programs require the support of tailored
community-specific strategies that consider socio-economic, cultural, and
environmental factors. research should focus on longitudinal studies to
assess the long-term benefits of psychoeducational interventions and
explore the potential for scalability and sustainability of these programs in
various settings.


Psychoeducational interventions; Stunting

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