Heri Setyoko, Sarwanto Sarwanto, Mohammad Maskuri


The objective of the study is to investigate the literacy skills in the automotive engineering program at vocational high schools (SMK) and to compare literacy skills between public and private vocational high schools in Wonogiri. The study employs a quantitative approach. The findings indicate that the literacy skills of students in the automotive engineering program at public vocational high schools consist of 80% in the good category and 20% in the fair category, while in private vocational high schools, there are 25% in the good category, 55% in the fair category, and 20% in the poor category. The significance values from the normality test for literacy skills in public vocational high schools are 0.617, and for private vocational high schools are 0.842, indicating that both groups have a normal distribution of data. The homogeneity test shows a significance value for literacy skills of 0.484, indicating that the data have the same or homogeneous variance. The Independent Sample T Test shows a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.005, indicating a significant difference between the literacy skills of public and private vocational high schools. Therefore, the conclusion of this study is that the literacy skills of students in the automotive engineering program at public vocational high schools have an average of 81.33 in the good category, while in private vocational high schools, the average is 54.59 in the fair category. The difference in literacy skills between students in public and private vocational high schools is significant.

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