Ivanna Beru Brahmana, Lilis Poncorini Pamungkasari, Ana Majdawati, Inayati Inayati


Abstrak: Latar belakang: Endometriosis diderita sekitar 10% perempuan di dunia. Keluhan nyeri saat menstruasi sebagai keluhan utama penderita endometriosis mengganggu aktivitas dan semangat kerja penderita. Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pengobatan tidak sedikit. Tujuan: meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta tentang penggunaan obat herbal pada terapi endometriosis dan pembentukan kader obat herbal. Metode: (1) Penyuluhan dengan diskusi, pretest, dan postest; (2) Demonstrasi cara penyimpanan obat minum dan obat luar; dan (3) Pembentukan kader obat herbal. Hasil: (1) Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan 30 orang peserta mengenai obat herbal sebagai terapi endometriosis, di mana nilai postest meningkat menjadi 90 dari nilai pretest 70,66; (2) Demonstrasi cara penyimpanan obat dalam kotak obat diperhatikan dengan seksama di mana 100% peserta merasakan materi demonstrasi bermanfaat dan 100% peserta menyatakan puas dengan rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian; dan (3) Terbentuk 4 orang kader obat herbal. Kesimpulan: Penyuluhan meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta mengenai penggunaan obat herbal pada terapi endometriosis, dan terbentuk kader obat herbal yang siap mengikuti sosialisasi tugas kader obat herbal di masa mendatang.

Abstract: Background: Endometriosis affects about 10% of women in the world. Complaints of pain during menstruation as the main complaint of sufferers of endometriosis interfere with the activities and enthusiasm of sufferers. The costs incurred for treatment are not small. Objective: to increase participants' knowledge about the use of herbal medicines in endometriosis therapy and to form herbal medicine cadres. Methods: (1) Counseling with discussion, pretest, and posttest; (2) Demonstration of how to store oral and foreign drugs; and 3. Formation of herbal medicine cadres. Results: (1) There was an increase in 30 persons participants' knowledge about herbal medicines as endometriosis therapy, where the posttest score increased to 90 from the pretest value of 70.66; (2) The demonstration on how to store medicine in the medicine box was paid close attention where 100% of the participants felt the demonstration material was useful and 100% of the participants expressed satisfaction with the series of community service activities; and (3) Established 4 herbal medicine cadres. Conclusion: Counseling increased participants' knowledge about the use of herbal medicines in endometriosis therapy, and formed herbal medicine cadres who were ready to take part in the socialization of the duties of herbal medicine cadres in the future.


Demonstration; Endometriosis; Cadre; Herbal Medicine; Counseling.

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