Paulus Edison Plaimo, Imanuel Lama Wabang, Isak Feridikson Alelang


Abstrak: Melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, kami berupaya melakukan penyuluhan atau sosialisasi terhadap masyarakat nelayan yang berdomisili di pesisir Baranusa tentang manfaat pemberlakuan tradisi budaya Mulung. Mulung sendiri adalah sebuah budaya yang telah dititiskan oleh oleh leluhur baranusa yang memilki fungsi secara ekologi sebab melakukan konservasi habitat sumberdaya perairan yang berdampak pada peningkatan produktivitas perairan dan mendorong nilai ekonomi nelayan dan pedagang ikan. Akan tetapi tradisi budaya ditinggalkan sehingga pendapatan nelayan mengalamai penyusutan oleh sebab kerusakan habitat kawasan peraiaran akibatnya ketersedian sumberdaya perairan semakin berkurang. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini meliputi tiga tahapan antara lain tahapan persiapan adalah melakukan observasi, berkoordinasi dan penyiapan bahan dan alat yang dibutuhkan disaat pelaksanaan kegiatan, tahapan pelaksanaan adalah melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi atau penyuluhan mengenai aspek kebermanfaatan tradisi budaya Mulung melalui aspek ekologi dan ekonomi, tahapan evaluasi, mengukur tingkat keberhasilan kegiatan yang dilakukan. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pola pemahaman dari masyarakat (mitra) tentang manfaat memberlakukan kembali tradisi budaya Mulung.

Abstract:  Through community service activities, we strive to conduct counseling or outreach to fishing communities who live on the coast of Baranusa about the benefits of applying Mulung cultural traditions. Mulung itself is a culture that has been founded by the ancestors of Baranusa which has an ecological function because it conserves the habitat of aquatic resources which has an impact on increasing aquatic productivity and encourages the economic value of fishermen and fish traders. However, cultural traditions are left behind so that fishermen's income experiences depreciation due to damage to marine habitat due to the diminishing availability of aquatic resources. The method of carrying out this activity consists of three stages including the preparation stage, which is observing, coordinating and preparing the materials and tools needed while carrying out the activity, the implementation stage is conducting socialization activities or counseling on aspects of the benefits of Mulung cultural traditions through ecological and economic aspects, evaluation stages, measure the level of success of the activities carried out. The results of the service show an increase in the pattern of understanding from the community (partners) about the benefits of re-enacting the Mulung cultural tradition.


Cultural Traditions; Mulung; Baranusa; Community Understanding Pattern

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jmm.v4i2.2023


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