Abstrak: Sejak pandemi COVID-19, prevalensi stunting terus meningkat dan menjadi fokus program kesehatan secara nasional saat ini. Hal tersebut dapat dikaitkan dengan aspek ekonomi, status kesehatan ibu (maternal), riwayat kehamilan, keterbatasan mengakses pelayanan kesehatan dan rendahnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat terkait gizi. Desa kadu dipilih sebagai lembaga mitra, selain karena lokasi dekat dengan kampus, juga permasalahan kesehatan terkait gizi pada anak dan stunting cukup tinggi, yaitu sebesar 5-10 kasus pertahun 2022. Edukasi bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat dalam mengenal kebutuhan gizi pada anak serta pencegahan stunting. Kegiatan melibatkan masyarakat umum baik pria dan wanita, dimana pemeriksaan kesehatan diikuti 55 peserta, dan edukasi kesehatan diikuti sebanyak 73 peserta. Hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan menunjukkan mayoritas peserta memiliki riwayat Hipertensi (58,18%), IMT Obesitas, Gula darah Normal (<200 mg/dL), dan Asam urat tinggi (>6 mg/dL). Pengetahuan peserta dapat dilihat dari rerata nilai pre-test yaitu 53,47, sedangkan rerata nilai post-test sebesar 61. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa edukasi berdampak meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta yaitu sebesar 7,53. Edukasi kesehatan dan upaya perbaikan gizi dapat terus dilakukan dengan melibatkan multisektor untuk percepatan pengendalian Stunting.
Abstract: Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the prevalence of stunting has continued to increase and is the focus of current national health programs. This can be attributed to economic aspects, maternal health status, pregnancy history, limited access to health services, and low knowledge and awareness of nutrition. Kadu Village was chosen as a partner institution, not only because it is close to the campus, but also because health problems related to child nutrition and stunting are quite high, 5-10 cases per year in 2022. Education and medical check-up were conducted in Kadu village (RW 06) on May 31, 2023. This activity was a collaboration between the Faculty of Nursing and the Township Management Division (TMD) of Lippo Karawaci. Health assessments include height, weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and uric acid. Education is expected to increase public awareness in recognizing children's nutritional needs and preventing stunting. 55 participants attended health check-up activities while 73 participants attended health education. The characteristics of the participants were the majority; female (87.27%), elementary school education (43.64%), and not working (80%). In addition, it is known that the average age is 54.42 years, the average age of marriage is 21.16 years, and the average age of giving birth to the first child is 22.32 years. The results of the health examination showed that most participants had a history of hypertension (58.18%), BMI obesity, normal blood sugar (<200 mg/dL), and high uric acid (>6 mg/dL). Participants' knowledge can be seen from the average pre-test score of 53.47, while the average post-test score is 61. This shows that education impacts increasing participants' knowledge by 7.53. Health education and nutrition improvement efforts can continue to be carried out by involving multi-sectors to accelerate stunting control.
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