Vivi Nuraini, Kapti Rahayu Kuswanto


Abstrak: Desa Cepogo pernah tercatat sebagai daerah zona merah, hal ini dikarenakan terdapat beberapa warga desa Cepogo yang positif Covid-19. Hal tersebut menimbulkan keresahan warga desa,sehingga dikhawatirkan akan mempengaruhi imunitas tubuh warga desa. Pemerintah desa secara masif melakukan kampanye terkait protokol kesehatan untuk menekan jumlah penyebaran Covid-19. Selain kampanye terkait protokol kesehatan, kampanye tentang pola hidup sehat dan konsumsi makanan bergizi juga perlu dilakukan untuk hasil yang lebih optimal. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu dalam kampanye konsumsi makanan bergizi berbasis pangan fungsional. Metode pelaksanan dilakukan dengan penyebaran video pembelajaran melalui media sosial. Evaluasi pelaksanan kegiatan dilakukan dengan  metode pretest dan posttest. Peserta mengisi pre-test melalui google form sebelum mendapatkan informasi tentang pangan fungsional. Selanjutnya, peserta diminta mendengarkan radio atau melihat video pembelajaran sebagai syarat sebelum mengisi post-test. Hasil data pre-test menunjukkan lebih dari 90% peserta belum mengetahui tentang pangan fungsional. Namun, setelah mendapatkan informasi melalui radio atau media sosial, lebih dari 95% peserta memahami tentang pengaruh pangan fungsional dan memiliki keinginan untuk mengkonsumsi pangan fungsional untuk meningkatkan imun tubuh selama pandemi.


Abstract:  Cepogo Village was once recorded as a Covid-19 red zone area because some of its residents were affected by Covid-19. This raises villagers unrest, so there is concern that it will affect the immunity of the villagers. The village government has carried out a massive campaign related to health protocols to reduce the number of spread of Covid-19. In addition to health protocols related campaign, a campaign about healthy lifestyles and the consumption of nutritious foods are also needed for optimal results. This service activity aims to assist in the campaign for the consumption of nutritious foods based on functional foods. The campaign was carried out by distributing instructional videos through social media and village radio. Evaluation of the implementation of activities is carried out using the pre-test and post-test methods. Participants completed a pretest through google form before getting information about functional food. Furthermore, participants are asked to listen to the radio or watch the learning video as a requirement before completing the post-test. The results of the pre-test data showed that more than 90% of the participants did not know about functional food. However, after obtaining information via radio or social media, more than 95% of participants understood about the effects of functional foods and had a desire to consume functional foods to increase the body's immunity during the pandemic.


Covid-19; functional food; immunity; pandemic.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jmm.v4i5.3059


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