Yulastri Arif, Rika Sarfika


Abstrak: Kekerasan sering terjadi pada anak dan banyak diantaranya dilakukan oleh teman sebayanya sendiri. Alasan yang sering diungkapkan anak adalah karena emosi dengan ejekan teman-temannya. Ketidakmampuan anak mengontrol emosi dapat menimbulkan dampak lanjut terhadap psikologis pada tahap perkembangan anak berikutnya. Sehingga, perlu suatu upaya pendidikan kesehatan agar anak mampu mengendalikan emosi ketika menghadapi situasi yang memicu kemarahan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pendidikan kesehatan kepada anak tentang cara mengelola emosi ketika menghadapi situasi yang memicu emosi anak. Sasaran kegiatan adalah siswa sekolah dasar di kelurahan Pasia Nan Tigo. Metode Pelaksanaan kegiatan yaitu ceramah, diskusi, simulasi, praktek pendampingan dan praktek mandiri. Rangkaian kegiatan diawali dengan registrasi peserta, pengukuran tinggi badan, berat badan dan lingkar lengan serta lingkar perut. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan skrining perilaku kekerasan dengan pengisian kuesioner pengetahuan dan sikap tentang kekerasan. Setelah mendapatkan gambaran masalah kekerasan anak, dilanjutkan dengan memberikan edukasi pengendalian emosi melalui pendekatan komunikasi asertif dan simulasi. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan sebagian besar anak sudah memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik dalam mengendalikan emosinya, walaupun masih ditemukan 10 anak yang masih kurang dalam komunikasi menayampaikan harapannya.


Abstract: Violence often occurs in children, and many of them are committed by their peers. The reason that is often expressed by children is because of emotions with ridicule from their friends. Children's inability to control emotions can further impact psychological problems at a later stage of child development. So, need a health education effort so that children can control their emotions when facing situations that trigger anger. This activity aims to provide health education to children on managing emotions when faced with situations that trigger emotions. The training subjects is elementary school students in the Pasia Nan Tigo village. Methods of implementing activities are lectures, discussions, simulations, mentoring practices, and independent practice. The activities began with participant registration, measurement of height, weight, and circumference of the arms and abdomen. Then proceed with screening violent behavior by filling out a questionnaire about knowledge and attitudes about violence. After getting an overview of child abuse, it continued by providing emotional control education through assertive communication approaches and simulations. The results showed that most of the children already had excellent abilities in controlling their emotions, although there were still ten children who were still lacking in communicating their hopes.


emotional control management; violent behavior; school age children

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