Ana Majdawati, Ivanna Beru Brahmana, Inayati Inayati


Abstrak: Permasalahan reproduksi wanita banyak dikeluhkan, diantaranya keputihan, masalah menstruasi, nyeri pelvis, benjolan pada organ reproduksi, keluarga berencana, infertilitas, masalahan menopause. Pengetahuan peran radiologi sebagai penunjang diagnostik, alat skrining kasus reproduksi masih terbatas di kalangan ibu-ibu dan remaja putri. Banyak wanita dengan keluhan organ reproduksi yang tidak melanjutkan pemeriksaan radiologi. Hal ini menyebabkan penyakit semakin berat, meningatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini membentuk kelompok kesehatan reproduksi (kespro) ceria dari ibu-ibu dan Remaja Aisyiyah di Wilayah Bareng Lor, Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Upaya peningkatan pengetahuan peran pemeriksaan radiologi untuk skrining dan diagnosis kasus kespro wanita menggunakan metode: sosialisasi masalah terkait organ kespro wanita, ceramah, brain storming, pembentukan kelompok kespro ceria, pelatihan pengisian checklist skrining faktor risiko untuk indikasi pemeriksaan radiologi. Hasil pengabdian masyarakan ini terbentuknya kelompok wanita kespro Ceria yang akan melakukan tindak lanjut skrining wanita yang memiliki faktor risiko gangguan organ reproduksi dengan lembar checklist. Penilaian peserta berasal nilai pretest dan post-test, yaitu minimal nilai post-test 70 dan menunjukkan peningkatan


Abstract: Many women complain about reproductive problems, including vaginal discharge, menstrual problems, pelvic pain, lumps in the reproductive organs, family planning, infertility, menopause problems. Knowledge of the role of radiology as a diagnostic support, reproductive case screening tool is still limited among mothers and young women. Many women with complaints of reproductive organs do not continue radiological examinations. This causes the disease to become more severe, increasing morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this community service is to form a cheerful reproductive health group (Kespro) from Aisyiyah's mothers and Adolescents in the Bareng Lor Region, Klaten, Central Java. Efforts to increase knowledge of the role of radiology examination for screening and diagnosis of women's reproductive health cases use the following methods: socialization of problems related to women's reproductive health organs, lectures, brain storming, formation of cheerful health care groups, training in filling out risk factor screening checklists for radiological indications. The result of this community service is the formation of a group of Ceria health care women who will follow up on screening women who have risk factors for reproductive organ disorders with a checklist sheet. Participant's assessment comes from the pretest and post-test scores, which is a minimum post-test score of 70 and shows an increase


Health Care Group; Cheerful; Radiological Examination; Screening; Risk Factors.

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