Anna Fitriani


Abstrak: Rendahnya keragaman makanan pada anak sekolah di perkotaan, terutama dari aspek sayur dan buah berhubungan dengan 2 masalah gizi sekaligus, yakni overnutrition (kegemukan, obesitas) dan undernutrition (defisiensi zat gizi mikro, anemia). Hubungan antara rendahnya keragaman makan dengan kegemukan dan defisiensi zat gizi mikro ini disebabkan kurangnya keragaman makanan dari aspek sayur dan buah yang merupakan sumber serat dan zat gizi mikro. Salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi rendahnya keragaman makan dari sayur dan buah pada anak sekolah adalah peran guru dan orangtua, di mana rendahnya pengetahuan orangtua terkait pentingnya keragaman makanan menjadi faktor penting yang melatarbelakangi hal ini. Berbagai upaya edukasi “Isi Piringku” kepada guru dan orangtua di beberapa daerah terbukti mampu meningkatkan sikap dan perilaku orangtua terkait keragaman makan anak. Namun, edukasi yang diberikan terbatas pada bidang gizi, belum menegaskan situasi terkini kesehatan anak sekolah di perkotaan dan belum mengintegrasikan sisi parenting (konsultasi pendidikan bagi anak sekolah dasar). Oleh karena itu, dilaksanakanlah Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini dengan metode edukasi “Isi Piringku” kepada guru dan orangtua siswa dengan paparan materi video dan booklet. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan pengetahuan guru dan orangtua. Hasil edukasi menunjukkan adanya peningkatan rerata skor pengetahuan dari 49,57 ± 11,29 menjadi 72,34 ± 10,36 (p value=0,000).

Abstract: The low diversity of eating among school children in urban areas, especially from the aspect of vegetables and fruit, is associated with two nutritional problems, they areovernutrition (overweight, obesity) and undernutrition (micronutrient deficiency, anemia). The relationship between low dietary diversity and obesity and micronutrient deficiencies is due to the lack of diversity in eating from the aspect of vegetables and fruits which are sources of fiber and micronutrients. One of the factors that influence the low diversity of eating vegetables and fruit in school children is the role of teachers and parents, where the low knowledge of them regarding the importance of food diversity is an important factor behind this. Various efforts to educate teachers and parents about "The Contain of My Plate" in several areas have been proven to be able to improve parents' attitudes and behavior regarding the diversity of children's eating. However, the education provided is limited to nutrition, has not confirmed the current situation of school children's health in urban areas and has not integrated the parenting side (educational consultation for elementary school children). Therefore, this Community Partnership Program was implemented with the "Fill My Plate" education method for teachers and parents using educational video and booklet. The purpose of this activity is to increase the subjetct’s knowledge. The results showed that there was a significant increase of average score of knowledge from 49,57 ± 11,29 to 72,34 ± 10,36 (p value=0,000). The outputs of this PKM include educational video media, booklets, mass media publications, publications of nationally accredited journals and publications on the YouTube channel of the Uhamka Nutrition Studies Program.


My Plate; Dietary Diversity; Vegetable And Fruit; Urban

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