Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) menganalisis kontribusi pengetahuan awal terhadap miskonsepsi siswa dalam pelajaran fisika, (2) menganalisis kontribusi motivasi belajar terhadap miskonsepsi siswa dalam pelajaran fisika, dan (3) menganalisis kontribusi pengetahuan awal dan motivasi belajar siswa terhadap miskonsepsi yang dialami siswa dalam pelajaran fisika. Penelitian korelasional adalah jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dalam riset ini. Total 222 siswa SMA kelas X pada semester genap tahun 2019/2020 di Kecamatan Nangapanda adalah populasi pada penelitian ini. Total 85 sampel siswa dipilih secara teknik acak proposional (Propotional random sampling). Data riset dikumpulkan melalui tes pemahaman konsep fisika untuk mengkalkulasikan pengetahuan awal dan miskonsepsi, dan motivasi belajar dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner motivasi belajar. Data yang dianalisis regersi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan awal, motivasi dan miskonsepsi fisika siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) terdapat kontribusi pengetahuan awal terhadap miskonsepsi sebesar 54.6% (p<0.05), (2) terdapat kontribusi motivasi belajar terhadap miskonsepsi sebesar 58.7% (p< 0.05), dan (3) terdapat kontribusi pengetahuan awal dan motivasi belajar terhadap miskonsepsi sebesar 68.5% (p<0.05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat kontribusi pengetahuan awal dan motivasi terhadap miskonsepsi siswa dalam pembelajaran fisika.
Kata kunci: Pengetahuan awal; Motivasi; Miskonsepsi; Pembelajaran fisika
This study aims (1) to analyze the contribution of prior knowledge to students' misconceptions in physics, (2) to analyze the contribution of learning motivation to students' misconceptions in physics, and (3) to analyze the contribution of prior knowledge and students' motivation to misconceptions experienced by students in physics learning. Correlational research is the type of research conducted in this research. A total of 222 class X high school students in the even semester of 2019/2020 in Nangapanda District are the population in this study. A total of 85 students were selected as the sample by using the proportional random sampling technique. Research data were collected through a physics concept understanding test to calculate prior knowledge and misconceptions, and learning motivation was collected through a learning motivation questionnaire. The data analyzed by regression in this study were students' prior knowledge, motivation, and physics misconceptions. The results showed (1) there was a 54.6% contribution of prior knowledge to misconceptions (p<0.05), (2) there was a 58.7% contribution of learning motivation to misconceptions (p<0.05), and (3) there was a contribution of prior knowledge and learning motivation. against misconceptions by 68.5% (p<0.05). This study concludes that prior knowledge and motivation contribute to students' misconceptions in physics learning.
Keywords: Prior knowledge; Motivation; Misconception; Physics learning
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/orbita.v7i2.5791
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