Abstrak: Kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jerman menjadi hal yang penting di era revolusi industri saat ini. Keadaan tersebut membuat guru dan praktisi pendidikan mengkaji kembali pengajaran bahasa Jerman yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk kebutuhan bahan ajar keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jerman untuk siswa di SMA Merdeka Ponorogo. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan kuisioner. Analisis kebutuhan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Briendley, Hutchinson dan Waters, dan teori Nation dan Macalister dengan membagi analisis kebutuhan menjadi kebutuhan objektif dan kebutuhan subjektif. Kebutuhan objektif meliputi identifikasi dan latar belakang siswa, sedangkan kebutuhan subjektif meliputi kebutuhan, kekurangan, dan keinginan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang selama ini digunakan di SMA Merdeka Ponorogo belum memenuhi kebutuhan siswa dan belum mengarah pada pembelajaran abad 21. Bahan ajar yang diharapkan oleh siswa adalah bahan ajar yang memiliki teks, gambar, animasi, audio, audiovisual serta terdapat latihan berbicara bahasa Jerman mandiri. Siswa juga menginginkan bahan ajar yang mudah dibawa dan diakses kapanpun. Melalui ponsel pintar tersebut diharapkan siswa mampu berlatih berbicara bahasa Jerman secara mandiri. Dengan demikian diperlukan pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis mobile smartphone untuk keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas X SMA Merdeka Ponorogo.
Abstract: The need of developing German speaking skills is important in the current industrial revolution era. This situation causes teachers and education practitioners review the existing German language teaching. This study was aimed to identify the German speaking teaching material needs form at SMA (Senior High School) Merdeka Ponorogo. This type of research was qualitative with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used were interviews and questionnaires. The needs analysis in this study used the theory of Briendley, Hutchinson and Waters, and Nation and Macalister theory by dividing the needs analysis into objective needs and subjective needs. The objective needs included the students' identification and background, while the subjective needs included needs, deficiencies, and desires. The results showed that the teaching materials that have been used at Merdeka Ponorogo Senior High School have not met the needs of students and have not led to 21st century learning. The teaching materials expected by students were teaching materials that have text, images, animations, audio, audiovisual as well as speaking exercises independent German. Students also wanted the teaching materials that will be easy to carry and access anytime. Through this smart phone, students were expected to be able to practice speaking German independently. Thus, the smartphone mobile-based teaching materials development was needed for the speaking skills of class X students, Merdeka Ponorogo Senior High School.Keywords
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Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan | Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram.
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