Learning Loss Mitigation: The Perspectives of Senior High School English Teachers in Indonesia

Diana Hildianti, Puji Rahayu


Teachers play a critical role in addressing the learning loss due to the COVID-19 school disruption by creating various strategies to overcome the loss. This paper aims to investigate several factors which impact student’s performance and teachers’ efforts in overcoming learning loss during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a qualitative method with an open-ended survey and interview, 35 high school English teachers with at least 3 years of experience shared their experiences to overcome the learning loss. 10 teachers are clarifying their strategies to cope with learning loss due to COVID-19 school disruption by being interviewed. The thematic analysis of the data found that the teachers' strategies to overcome learning loss were in line with Arsendy, et al's themes (2020), teacher-student interaction, curriculum adaptation, and support from the government and school. Most of the English teachers perceived that learning loss happened due to the lack of teacher-student interaction, inadequate facilities, lack of speaking practice, and inauthentic writing skills during the COVID-19 pandemic. To overcome this, teachers adapted English modules with media technology to simplify English lessons and build learning independence despite the incomprehensive lessons. The support from the government and school training, technology teaching tools, the internet, and E-learning sources - helps teachers lessen the learning loss possibility. The findings indicated the importance of supportive and adaptive English teachers in mitigating learning loss due to Covid-19 school disruption.

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Learning loss mitigation; Covid-19; Adaptive English Teachers; E-learning resources


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/leltj.v12i1.24803


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