Journal Information
Journal title | LUGATUNA: Journal Prodi PBA |
Initials | LJPB |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (March and September) |
DOI | Prefix 10.31764 by |
Print ISSN | 2089-5267 |
Online ISSN | 2614-395X |
Editor-in-chief | Abdu Rabbi Faqihuddin, S.Hum, M.Hum |
Publisher | Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram |
Citation Analysis | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | Garuda |
About Journal
LUGATUNA: Journal Prodi PBA: Published by Arabic Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion|FAI Muhammadiyah University of Mataram|UMMat, p-ISSN:2089-5267 and e-ISSN:2614-395X It is published twice a year, namely in March and September. The Editorial Team accepts scientific publications which are the result of research in education and development of Arabic science, development of Arabic learning methods, evaluation of Arabic learning, development of Arabic linguistic and other studies or developments.
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Posted: 2022-10-11 | |
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Vol 3, No 1 (2024): LUGATUNA; Jurnal Prodi PBA
Table of Contents
halimatusadiah halimatusadiah, Suparmanto Suparmanto, Aghniya Afifah, Bidaini Bidaini
Views of Abstract: 72
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isnaini khoirotus sa'adah, Miftachul Taubah Taubah
Views of Abstract: 98
| PDF: 1
putri puspita sari, Mochamad Hasyim
Views of Abstract: 107
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wiranda yasmin aprilia, Syarifuddin Syarifuddin
Views of Abstract: 120
| PDF: 2
abd rochman, Nur Rokhmatulloh
Views of Abstract: 121
| PDF: 1
lutfi lailatul maulidiyah
Views of Abstract: 45
| PDF: 1