Navigasi ruang digital: pemberdayaan santri MA Plus Nurul Islam Sekarbela melalui literasi digital dalam mengidentifikasi dan melawan hoax
Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan santri di MA Plus Nurul Islam Sekarbela dalam mengidentifikasi dan melawan hoax melalui pelatihan literasi digital. Dengan metode campuran, pelatihan melibatkan 55 santri kelas 3 Madrasah Aliyah dan menggunakan survei pre-test dan post-test serta wawancara dan observasi. Hasil menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam literasi digital, dari skor rata-rata 55,3 menjadi 78,5 (p < 0,01). Santri merasa lebih mampu memverifikasi informasi dan sadar akan bahaya hoax. Temuan mendukung teori literasi digital dan pembelajaran konstruktivis, serta menekankan pentingnya integrasi literasi digital ke dalam kurikulum, peningkatan fasilitas teknologi, dan kolaborasi dengan pemangku kepentingan untuk keberlanjutan program.
Kata kunci: literasi digital; hoax; santri; pengabdian.
The community service aims to enhance the ability of students at MA Plus Nurul Islam Sekarbela to identify and combat hoaxes through digital literacy training. Using a mixed-methods approach, the training involved 55 third-grade Madrasah Aliyah students and utilized pre-test and post-test surveys, as well as interviews and observations. The results showed a significant increase in digital literacy, with average scores rising from 55.3 to 78.5 (p < 0.01). The students felt more capable of verifying information and were more aware of the dangers of hoaxes. The findings support digital literacy and constructivist learning theories, emphasizing the importance of integrating digital literacy into the curriculum, improving technological facilities, and collaborating with stakeholders for program sustainability.
Keywords: digital literacy; hoax; education; students; community service.
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