Workshop pertukaran budaya Indonesia-Thailand melalui aplikasi bisnis akibat perubahan sosial kerja sama PKM internasional

Nani Cahyani, Ratih Puspitasari, Lesi Hertati, Janty T. Hidayat, Nabila Nurfaiza



Kegiatan PKM Internasional dilakukan dalam rangka pertukaran budaya antara Indonesia- Tailand hal ini didorong oleh perubahan teknologi digital bisnis global yang begitu cepat sehingga  membuka peluang baru untuk pertukaran budaya antar negara. PKM  ini mengkaji bagaimana digitalisasi bisnis mempengaruhi perubahan sosial dalam praktik berjualan di media Sosial khususnya antara Indonesia dan Thailand, melalui kerja sama PKM Internasional. Pendekatan kualitatif yang mencakup wawancara dan membagi kuisioner pretest dan postest  dan analisis konten menelusuri pengalaman pedagang online antara konsumen di kedua negara. Hasil temuan membuktikan bahwa digitalisasi bisnis, terutama melalui platform marketplace, memfasilitasi pertukaran budaya antara Indonesia dan Thailand, hal ini menyebakan produk dan praktik bisnis lokal untuk menembus pasar asing. Kerja sama dalam rangka PKM Internasional memperkuat pertukaran produk  dengan memfasilitasi transfer pengetahuan dan pengalaman antara pelaku bisnis dari kedua negara. Perubahan sosial yang teramati termasuk adaptasi strategi pemasaran, pembentukan jejaring antarbudaya, dan peningkatan kesadaran akan keanekaragaman budaya. guna pengembangan bisnis internasional dan harmoni lintas budaya dibahas dalam konteks kolaborasi PKM Internasional.


Kata Kunci: workshop; pertukaran budaya; digitalisasi bisnis; perubahan sosial; berjualan di marketplace; PKM internasional



International PKM activities are carried out in the context of cultural exchange between Indonesia and Thailand. This is driven by rapid changes in global business digital technology, opening up new opportunities for cultural exchange between countries. This PKM examines how business digitalization influences social change in the practice of selling on social media, especially between Indonesia and Thailand, through PKM International collaboration. A qualitative approach that includes interviews and pretest and posttest questionnaires and content analysis explores the experiences of online merchants among consumers in both countries. The findings prove that business digitalization, especially through marketplace platforms, facilitates cultural exchange between Indonesia and Thailand, this allows local products and business practices to penetrate foreign markets. Cooperation within the framework of PKM International strengthens product exchange by facilitating the transfer of knowledge and experience between business people from both countries. Observed social changes include adaptation of marketing strategies, formation of intercultural networks, and increased awareness of cultural diversity. for international business development and cross-cultural harmony are discussed in the context of International PKM collaboration.


Keywords: cultural exchange; business digitalization; social transformation; selling on the marketplace PKM international.


cultural exchange; business digitalization; social transformation; selling on the marketplace PKM international.

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