Edukasi home programming resistance training exercise untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup pada osteoporosis pascamenopause

Ashifa Quamila, Rezky Amaliah Usman, Desy Annisa Perdana, Ifon Poppy Yosef



Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan pak Syamsu Alam selaku Bapak Kelurahan Dadi Mulya bahwa terdapat warga setempat yang mengalami keluhan saat memasuki menopause. Pascamenopause merupakan masa yang pasti dihadapi oleh seorang wanita sejalan dengan bertambahnya usia. Osteoporosis pascamenopause sering diartikan sebagai wanita yang rentan terhadap penurunan massa tulang. Resistance training exercise adalah latihan dengan gerakan aktif yang adanya kontraksi otot dinamis atau statis dilawan oleh tahanan dari luar. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi home programming resistance training exercise untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup pada osteoporosis pascamenopause. Metode yang digunakan untuk dapat mencapai target dari kegiatan ini adalah dengan cara pemeriksaan kualitas hidup osteoporosis pascamenopause dan pemberian edukasi home programming resistance training exercise di Kelurahan Dadi Mulya. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan selama 1 bulan yang berjumlah 15 orang. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan wanita lanjut usia osteoporosis pascamenopause tidak serumit yang dipikirkan mengenai edukasi home programming resistance training exercise yang diberikan. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah  edukasi home programming training resistance exercise : leg flexion, leg extension, back extension, trunk flexion, bench press, shoulder press, seated row dengan dosis frekuensi selama 3 kali seminggu, intensitas sedang, waktu selama 30 menit untuk dapat menggambarkan peningkatkan kualitas hidup osteoporosis pascamenopause.


Kata kunci: edukasi; resistance training exercise; kualitas hidup; osteoporosis pascamenopause.



Based on the results of an interview with Mr Syamsu Alam the Head of Dadi Mulya Village, some residents experience complaints when entering menopause. Postmenopause is a time that a woman must face as she ages. Postmenopausal osteoporosis is often defined as women who are prone to a decrease in bone mass. Resistance training exercise is an exercise with active movements in which dynamic or static muscle contractions are resisted by prisoners from outside. The method used to achieve the target of this activity is by examining the quality of life of postmenopausal osteoporosis and providing home programming resistance training exercise education in Dadi Mulya Village. This community service was carried out for 1 month, totaling 15 people. The results of community service activities with postmenopausal osteoporosis elderly women are not as complicated as thought about the home programming resistance training exercise education provided. The conclusion of this community service activity is that home programming resistance training exercise education: leg flexion, leg extension, back extension, trunk flexion, bench press, shoulder press, seated row with a dose of frequency for 3 times a week, moderate intensity, time for 30 minutes can improve the quality of life of postmenopausal osteoporosis.



Keywords: education; resistance training exercise; quality of life; osteoporosis pascamenopause.


education; resistance training exercise; quality of life; osteoporosis pascamenopause.

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