Peningkatan pengetahuan terhadap sosialisasi dagusibu pada siswa SMA An Namiroh kota Pekanbaru
Kata kunci: dagusibu; pengetahuan; obat.
The Indonesian Pharmacists Association is conducting a new education program called DAGUSIBU, which stands for “Get, Use, Store, and Dispose”. By following the steps outlined in the DAGUSIBU program that starts with the acquisition of medicines and ends with their disposal. One of the layers of society that should know about the use of medicines from an early age is high school students. To ensure that students do not make mistakes in using medicines, DAGUSIBU socialization activities are carried out because students still do not have enough information about how to use medicines correctly. Students of An Namiroh High School in Pekanbaru City participated in the DAGUSIBU socialization using pre- and post-test questionnaires to measure their knowledge. A total of 50 students who participated in the socialization showed an increase in knowledge from 75% in the pretest to 93.4% in the posttest. The results show that students' understanding of DAGUSIBU can increase by 18.4% when this socialization is held.
Keywords: dagusibu; knowledge, medicine.
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