Peningkatan keterampilan petani dalam produksi pupuk organik dan pestisida nabati di Desa Jenggawah Kabupaten Jember

Ankardiansyah Pandu Pradana, Ahmad Ilham Tanzil, Intan Kartika Setyawati, Rachmi Masnilah, Deviana Fitria Astuti, Thia Mahardikha Ra Putri, Ollyvia Eswinda Santi, Efrian Kuncoro, Bela Indri Ayunita, Shavanna Ardhelia Arijaya



Desa Jenggawah di Kabupaten Jember Provinsi Jawa Timur dikenal sebagai salah satu pusat produksi padi dan palawija. Namun, petani di daerah ini menghadapi tantangan berupa kesulitan mendapatkan pupuk dan serangan hama serangga yang sering mengganggu produksi. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada petani di Kelompok Tani Mulyo, Desa Jenggawah, agar dapat memproduksi pupuk organik dan pestisida nabati secara mandiri. Kegiatan ini meliputi penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan praktik pembuatan pupuk organik dan pestisida nabati dari bahan alami. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dalam keterampilan dan motivasi peserta. Berdasarkan uji T, ditemukan perbedaan signifikan dalam keterampilan sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Program ini berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan petani dalam memproduksi pupuk organik dan pestisida nabati, yang diharapkan dapat membantu mereka menghadapi tantangan produksi dan meningkatkan hasil pertanian di masa mendatang.


Kata kunci: fermentasi; limbah; motivasi; penyuluhan; praktik



Jenggawah Village in Jember Regency, East Java Province, is known as one of the key centers for rice and secondary crop production. However, farmers in this region face challenges such as difficulty in accessing fertilizers and frequent insect pest infestations that disrupt agricultural production. This community service program aims to provide training to the Mulyo Farmers Group in Jenggawah Village, enabling them to independently produce organic fertilizers and botanical pesticides. The program is implemented through education, training, and hands-on field practice, where participants are taught to produce solid and liquid organic fertilizers using materials such as livestock manure, fruit waste, and neem and papaya leaves for the production of botanical pesticides. The results of the training showed a significant improvement in the participants' skills and motivation. Based on the T-test, a significant difference was found in the participants' skills before and after the training. This program successfully enhanced the farmers' ability to produce organic fertilizers and botanical pesticides, which is expected to help them address production challenges and improve agricultural yields in the future.


Keywords: fermentation; waste; motivation; extension; practice


fermentation; waste; motivation; extension; practice

Full Text:



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