Postnatal yoga class (kelas yoga nifas) sebagai upaya peningkatan kesehatan fisik dan psikologis ibu nifas

Evi Diliana Rospia, Dwi Kartika Cahyaningtyas, Ni Wayan Ari Adiputri, Aulia Amini, Nurchaerani Nurchaerani, Mifanatul Khairah, Nova Irmayanti Fratiwi



Postnatal Yoga efektif untuk memperkuat otot-otot uterus, memperlancar peredaran darah, dan menstimulasi neurohormonal sehingga dapat mempercepat involusi uterus , efektif mencegah depresi meningkatkan ketenangan, dan membantu relaksasi. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk melakukan Postnatal Yoga Class (Kelas Yoga Nifas) Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Fisik Dan Psikologis Ibu Nifas Di Poskesdes Abian Tubuh Baru Kota Mataram. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini mengadopsi langkah-langkah action research yang terdiri dari 4 (empat) tahapan, yaitu: perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan evaluasi, dan refleksi, peserta pengabdian adalah 10 ibu nifas, kegiatan pengabdian meliputi: melakukan pemeriksaan fisik (pemeriksaan tekanan darah dan involusi uterus), pengkajian kesehatan psikologis melalui instrumen Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), edukasi tentang yoga nifas dan praktik gerakan yoga nifas. Hasil pengabdian , setelah diberikan informasi terkait yoga nifas 10 ibu nifas mengetahui tujuan, manfaat dan dapat melakukan gerakan yoga nifas dengan benar. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan fisik 10 ibu nifas tekanan darah dalam batas normal yaitu 110/60-140/80 mmHg dan involusi uterus berkaitan dengan kontraksi uterus baik sesuai dengan masa nifas. Skrining kesehatan psikologis didapatkan 8 ibu nifas tidak mengarah ke depresi postpartum atau tidak beresiko depresi postpartum, dan 2 ibu nifas mengarah pada kemungkinan depresi atau beresiko mengalami depresi postpartum.


Kata kunci: pengabdian; ibu nifas; yoga; kesehatan fisik; kesejahteraan psikologis



Postnatal Yoga is effective in strengthening uterine muscles, improving blood circulation, and stimulating neurohormones so that it can accelerate uterine involution, effectively preventing depression, increasing calm, and helping relaxation. The purpose of this service is to conduct Postnatal Yoga Classes as an effort to improve the physical and psychological well-being of postpartum mothers at the Abian Badan Baru Health Post, Mataram City. The method of implementing this service adopts action research steps which consist of 4 (four) stages, namely: planning, action, observation and evaluation, and reflection. The service participants are 10 postpartum mothers, service activities include: carrying out physical examinations (blood pressure checks and uterine involution), psychological health assessment using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) instrument, education about postpartum yoga and the practice of postpartum yoga movements. The results of the service, after being given information regarding postpartum yoga, 10 postpartum mothers knew the purpose, benefits and were able to do postpartum yoga movements correctly. Based on the results of physical examinations of 10 postpartum mothers, blood pressure was within normal limits in the range of 110/60-140/80 mmHg and uterine involution was related to good uterine contractions in accordance with the postpartum period. Psychological health screening found that 8 postpartum mothers did not have postpartum depression or were not at risk of postpartum depression, and 2 postpartum mothers showed the possibility of depression or were at risk of postpartum depression.


Keywords: devotion; postpartum women; yoga; physical health; psychological wellbeing


devotion; postpartum women; yoga; physical health; psychological wellbeing

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