Abstract: Religion and tradition have their own meaning, however, hardly are both separated in its practice. Therefore, the study on both term is essential. This research aimed to examine the history, the practice and the Islamic values found in Mandi Safar tradition in Gili Indah village, Pemenang district, North Lombok, and the position of Mandi Safar tradition within the Islamic law. This qualitative research collected data through observation, interview, and documentation and deployed human instrument as the research instrument. The data analysis procedures used were the extension of participation, thorough observation and triangulation. The empirical findings showed that, first, the practice of Mandi Safar as a tradition in the village was inherited by the ancestors of the local community who came from Bugis or Mandar ethnic (Sulawesi). Second, in its Practice, the tradition has several phases, namely preparation, implementation and closing. Third, the Islamic values found in the tradition were discussion for the sake of consensus, environmental preservation, mutual assistance, brotherhood, gratitude, safety, and the economics and political education. Fourth, Mandi Safar as a tradition practiced by Muslims, although remains debatable in the Islamic law, such a tradition entails Islamic education that should be maintained.
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