Rinda Cahyana, Dewi Tresnawati, Leni Fitriani, Ridwan Setiawan, Eri Satria, Ade Sutedi, Sri Rahayu, Muhammad Rikza Nashrulloh, Rina Kurniawati, Yusnita Habsari Utami


Abstrak: Ujaran kebencian merupakan sisi negatif kebebasan berekspresi yang menimbulkan dampak buruk di dunia maya dan dunia nyata. Salah satu cara intervensi ujaran kebencian adalah pembangunan kompetensi literasi digital melalui pendidikan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat akan bahaya ujaran kebencian. Program Relawan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Abdi Masyarakat yang dikenali di media sosial dengan hastag #RTIKAbdimas adalah program rutin tahunan yang bertujuan untuk melaksanakan upaya pembangunan tersebut di kabupaten Garut. Metode #RTIKAbdimas secara garis besar mencakup perekrutan relawan TIK (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) dan pelayanan relawan dalam bentuk kegiatan edukasi. Sebanyak 184 orang mahasiswa Teknik Informatika tersebar di 31 kelompok relawan TIK dan menyampaikan layanannya kepada lebih dari 400 remaja di lingkungan mitra yang berada di sejumlah kecamatan dalam lingkup wilayah kabupaten Garut. Rata-rata nilai sertifikasi mereka sebagai relawan TIK adalah 48.56. Hasil survei program kepada mitra menunjukan sekitar 66% kegiatan pelayanan relawan TIK memberikan manfaat pengetahuan, di mana 87% peserta dari mitra merasa puas dan sangat puas. Mitra menilai aspek unggul relawan TIK pada komunikasi dan kerjasama. Menurut hasil tes peserta di awal dan akhir kegiatan, kinerja relawan TIK yang berhasil meningkatkan rata-rata pengetahuan bahaya ujaran kebencian sekitar 5.05 dari 41.12. Berdasarkan skor kinerja individual dan kelompok , sekitar 88% mahasiswa yang berpartisipasi sebagai relawan dalam #RTIKAbdimas terkualifikasi relawan TIK yang unggul.

Abstract: Hate speech is a negative side of freedom of expression that has a harmful impact in cyberspace and the real world. One way of intervening against hate speech is the development of digital literacy competencies through education to increase public knowledge of the dangers of hate speech. The Community Service Information and Communication Technology Volunteer Program, known on social media with the hashtag #RTIKAbdimas is an annual routine program that aims to carry out these development efforts in the Garut district. The #RTIKAbdimas method broadly includes the recruitment of ICT volunteers (Information and Communication Technology) and volunteer services in the form of educational activities. A total of 184 Informatics Information Engineering students are spread across 31 ICT volunteer groups and deliver their services to more than 400 youths in partner environments located in several sub-districts within the Garut district. The average value of their certification as ICT volunteers on duty is 48.56. The results of the program survey to partners show that about 66% of ICT volunteer service activities provide knowledge benefits, of which 87% of participants from partners are satisfied and very satisfied. Partners assess the superior aspects of ICT volunteers in communication and collaboration. According to participants' test results at the beginning and end of the activity, the performance of ICT volunteers who succeeded in increasing the average knowledge of the dangers of hate speech was about 5.05 out of 41.12. Based on individual and group performance scores, about 88% of students who participate as volunteers in #RTIKAbdimas are qualified as excellent ICT volunteers.


Digital Literacy; Hate Speech; ICT Volunteers; RTIKAbdimas; Social Media.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Rinda Cahyana, Dewi Tresnawati, Leni Fitriani, Ridwan Setiawan, Eri Satria, Ade Sutedi, Sri Rahayu, Muhammad Rikza Nasrulloh, Rina Kurniawati, Yusnita Habsari Utami

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