Meri Meri, Rianti Nurpalah, Meti Kusmiati, Hendro Kasmanto, Yane Liswanti


Abstrak : Peningkatan kasus baru Tuberkulosis dapat karena adanya individu kontak erat dengan penderita Tuberculosis, yang dapat meningkat sebanyak 6,6 kali lipat. Mengingat hal tersebut diperlukan adanya upaya preventif agar tidak terjadi kasus baru melalui penegakkan diagnosa secara dini sehingga dapat diketahui apakah individu ada yang sudah terpapar atau belum, selain itu dapat dilakukan upaya-upaya pencegahan seperti yang dicanangkan dalam laporan Tuberculosis secara global oleh WHO. Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mangkubumi merupakan wilayah yang memiliki kasus Tuberkulosis, sehingga diperlukan upaya pengendalian kasus. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat adalah untuk mendeteksi dini kasus Tuberculosis menggunakan diagnosa laboratorium Anti-TB sebagai upaya preventif dan bahkan pengobatan lebih lanjut jika ada yang terpapar. Metode yang dilakukan adalah melalui pemeriksaan laboratorium Rapid Tes Anti-TB ke rumah masing-masing warga yang dekat dengan penderita Tuberculosis. Hasil pengabdian yaitu sebanyak 5 orang yang bersedia diperiksa hasilnya adalah negative. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan melalui jumlah persentase antusias masyarakat dalam melakukan deteksi dini kasus Tuberkulosis. Keseimpulan: masyarakat terdeteksi secara dini tidak mengalami tuberkulosis. Masyarakat disarankan untuk lebih intensif memeriksakan diri ke pelayanan kesehatan terutama masyarakat yang diduga masih memiliki kontak erat dengan penderita serta mengkonsumsi makanan yang kayak nutrisi.

Abstract: The increase in new cases of tuberculosis can be caused by the presence of individuals who are in close contact with people with tuberculosis, which can increase by as much as 6.6 times. As a consequence, preventive measures should be implemented to avoid the occurrence of new cases through the use of diagnostic testing, allowing it to be determined whether any individual suffers or not. Also, preventive steps should be taken to find out if the person gets sick or not. The purpose of community service is to early detect tuberculosis cases using anti-TB laboratory diagnostics as a preventive effort and even further treatment if anyone is exposed. The method carried out is through a Rapid Anti-TB Test laboratory examination of the homes of each resident who is close to tuberculosis sufferers. The result of the service is that as many as five people who are willing to be checked, the results are negative. Evaluation of activities is carried out through the percentage of community enthusiasm in conducting early detection of tuberculosis cases. People who check for anti-TB do not experience tuberculosis. People are advised to more intensively check themselves into health services, especially people who are suspected of still having close contact with sufferers. People are advised to more intensively check themselves into health services, especially people who are suspected of still having close contact with sufferers and consuming foods that are high in nutrients.


tuberculosis; anti-Tuberculosis; early detection; preventive.

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