Abstrak: Dewasa ini upaya pencegahan kekambuhan asma belum menjadi skala prioritas dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Padahal, dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan cukup serius dalam meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas. Prediksi kasus asma akan meningkat di beberapa negara berkembang akibat polusi udara dan gaya hidup. Upaya pengabdian masyarakat melalui program penyuluhan kesehatan dilakukan untuk meningkatkan literasi self management kelompok asma agar tahu, mau dan mampu melakukan manajemen diri asma. Metode yang dilakukan adalah rangkaian penyuluhan kesehatan tentang self-management asma dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan demonstrasi serta menggunakan media PPTx, booklet, dan video. Rangkaian penyuluhan ini melibatkan tim mahasiswa inter profesi dan berhasil meningkatkan 50% level pengetahuan sebagian besar peserta dalam seluruh kegiatan. Level pengetahuan peserta meningkat dalam beragam bidang secara holistic, senam (100%), PLB (40%), diit (36%), ROP (27%). Kegiatan serupa penting sebagai upaya peningkatan pengetahuan self-management kelompok penyandang asma sehingga mengurangi resiko kekambuhan dan kematian. Penguatan kaderisasi dibutuhkan untuk sustainability dari PkM ini.
Abstract: Currently, efforts to prevent asthma recurrence have not become a priority in health services. In fact, the negative impact is quite serious in increasing morbidity and mortality. Prediction of asthma cases will increase in several developing countries due to air pollution and lifestyle. Community service efforts through health education programs are carried out to increase self-management literacy in asthma groups so they know, want and are able to do asthma self-management. The method used is a series of health education about asthma self-management using lecture, discussion, and demonstration methods and using PPTx media, booklets, and videos. This series of counseling involved inter-professional student teams and succeeded in increasing the knowledge level of most participants in all activities by 50%. The level of knowledge of participants increased in various fields holistically, gymnastics (100%), PLB (40%), diet (36%), ROP (27%). Similar activities are important as an effort to increase self-management knowledge of groups with asthma so as to reduce the risk of recurrence and death. Strengthening regeneration is needed for the sustainability of this community service.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jmm.v7i1.12392
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