Abstrak: Vitamin dan antioksidan dalam sayur dan buah dapat menjadi faktor protektif terjadinya hipertensi. Rekomendasi anjuran konsumsi 5 porsi sayur buah di Indonesia hanya dilakukan oleh 4,6% penduduk Indonesia. Tujuan kegiatan pengabmas ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan perilaku konsumsi sayur buah sehingga menjadi kebiasaan makan sehat sehari-hari. Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan sosialisasi,menggunakan metode edukasi gizi dan demonstrasigizi kepada 31 wanita dewasa di RW X Kelurahan Pedurungan Tengah Kota Semarang. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah sosialisasi tentang Pesan Umum Gizi Seimbang, edukasi peningkatan konsumsi sayur buah dan demonstrasi olahan sayur buah. Sebanyak 92% peserta mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan tentang peningkatan konsumsi sayur buah. Ada peningkatan proporsi perilaku frekuensi konsumsi sayur 2-3 kali sehari (semula 77,42% menjadi 78,95%) dan >3 kali (semula 3,23% menjadi 10,53%). Ada peningkatan perilaku konsumsi buah harian ≥150 gram per sajian (68,42%). Kegiatan ini berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang konsumsi sayur buah sebagai pesan umum gizi seimbang dan perubahan perilaku peningkatan konsumsi sayur buah sesuai anjuran porsi.
Abstract: Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and antioxidants has gained considerable interest as protecting against hypertension. In Indonesia, only 4.6% of the population consume five servings of fruits and vegetables intake recommendation. The purpose of carrying out this community service was to increase the knowledge and behavior of consuming fruits and vegetables therefore it could promote participant’s daily healthy eating behavior. The activities were including socialization,used nutrition education method, and demonstration for thirty-one adult women in RW X, Pedurungan Tengah, Semarang. The sequence of this projects were socialization on Balanced Nutrition Dietary Guidelines, education on increasing fruit and vegetables consumption, and also cooking video demonstrations of processed fruit and vegetables . There were 92% participants had an increase knowledge related with fruit and vegetables consumption. The proportion of the frequency of vegetables intake had increase 2-3 times a day (77.42% to 78.95%) and >3 times (3.23% to 10.53%). There was an increase in daily fruit consumption behavior ≥150 grams per serving (68.42%). This community service was succeeded in increasing fruits and vegetables consumption knowledge as a general message of balanced nutrition and behavioral changes in increasing fruits and vegetables consumption according to its intake recommended.
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