Abstrak: Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) Tahun 2016 merekomendasikan layanan Ante Natal Care (ANC) berkualitas, salah satunya merekomendasikan pemeriksaan Infeksi Saluran Kemih pada semua ibu hamil. ISK Jika tidak segera diobati maka dapat menyebabkan dampak pada janin seperti premature, berat badan lahir rendah, retardasi pertumbuhan intrauterin, IUFD, dan peningkatan mortalitas dan morbiditas. Pemeriksaan urine hanya dilakukan jika sudah simtomatik (muncul gejala), padahal sebenarnya skrining ini telah masuk dalam rekomendasi 10 T- ANC berkualitas (tes laboratorium). Masalah; belum terlaksananya program pemeriksaan skrining ISK di Puskesmas. Tujuan pengabdian; untuk mendeteksi kejadian ISK pada ibu hamil. Metode; penyuluhan dan pemeriksaan kesehatan. Mitra sasaran; ibu hamil sebanyak 40 orang. Hasil; Ibu hamil mayoritas pada usia kehamilan trimester 2 dan 3, multigravida, dan berpendidikan menengah serta berada pada usia 20 – 35 tahun. Hasil analisa menunjukkan sejumlah 18 (45%) ibu hamil mengalami ISK simptomatik dan 4 (10%) ibu mengalami ISK asimptomatik. Sedangkan 18 (45%) ibu hamil dengan kondisi tidak mengalami ISK.
Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016 recommends quality Ante Natal Care (ANC) services, one of which recommends examining Urinary Tract Infections for all pregnant women. ISK If not treated immediately it can cause effects on the fetus such as premature, low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, IUFD, and increased mortality and morbidity. Urine examination is only done if it is symptomatic (symptoms appear), even though this screening is actually included in the recommendation for quality 10 T-ANC (laboratory test). Problem; ISK screening examination program has not yet been implemented at the Puskesmas. Purpose of service; to detect the incidence of ISK in pregnant women. Method; treatment and health check. Target partner; 40 pregnant women. Results; The majority of pregnant women are in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, multigravida, and have secondary education and are aged 20-35 years. The results of the analysis showed that 18 (45%) pregnant women had symptomatic ISK and 4 (10%) women had asymptomatic ISK. Meanwhile, 18 (45%) pregnant women did not experience a ISK.
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