Rifa'atul Maulidah, Rahmat Rizal, Dwi Sulistyaningsih, Mohammad Rizky Somantri, Yosep Sunandar, Pipit Pitriya


Abstrak: Dengan menganalisis situasi masih diperlukannya pengawasan ketat terhadap pencegahan penularan virus dan penyakit, kemudian adanya potensi mitra untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan kreativitasnya dalam mengenal teknologi, maka tim pelaksana bermaksud untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada masyarakat mitra tentang perancangan Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) berbasis Arduino serta pemanfaatannya di lingkungan pesantren dan sekolah. Tujuan kegiatan penyuluhan dan praktik ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan tentang perancangan alat contactless thermometer berbasis Arduino. Mitra kegiatan yakni santri yayasan dan siswa SMA Terpadu Al-Mu’aawanah Cinangka, Kabupaten Ciamis dengan jumlah peserta hadir sebanyak 30 orang. Metode penyampaiannya melalui penyuluhan dan praktik dengan urutan kegiatan: diskusi, demonstrasi, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji coba penggunaan alat termometer. Pada kegiatan diskusi pengenalan alat Arduino dan jenis-jenis sensor, terjadi interaksi dua arah antara peserta dan tim pengabdian. Kegiatan berikutnya dilanjutkan dengan demonstrasi perakitan alat oleh tim dosen dan dibantu dengan tim mahasiswa, seluruh peserta menyimak dengan seksama. Kemudian seluruh peserta pelatihan mencoba mempraktikan cara penggunaan alat termometer, secara bergiliran mereka mengukur suhu tubuh masing-masing tanpa kontak sentuh dengan alat. Peserta pelatihan sebagai mitra pengabdian juga memberikan tanggapan dan umpan balik terhadap materi serta kegiatan pelatihan yang dilaksanakan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya keterampilan tambahan bagi kedua mitra dalam mengenal alat elektronika dari perangkat Arduino yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil rata-rata respon sebesar 78% responden sangat setuju terhadap keberhasilan program ini. Produk alat berupa Contactless Thermometer berbasis Arduino dari hasil pelatihan dapat dimanfaatkan secara lagsung oleh mitra sebagai alat pencegahan penularan virus dan penyakit di lingkungan pondok pesantren dan sekolah.

Abstract: By analyzing the situation, there is still a need for strict supervision of the prevention of transmission of viruses and diseases, and then there is a potential for companions to improve their skills and creativity in knowing technology; the team intends to provide training to companion communities on the design of Arduino-based Appropriate Technology (TTG) and its use in boarding schools and schools. This counselling and practice activity aims to provide knowledge about the design of an Arduino-based contactless thermometer device. The activity companions were Al-Mu'aawanah Integrated High School students, Cinangka, Ciamis Regency, with 30 participants attending. The method is through counselling and practice with activities: discussion, demonstration, and thermometer testing. During the discussion on introducing Arduino tools and types of sensors, there was a two-way interaction between the participants and the community service team. The next activity was followed by a demonstration of assembling tools by a team of lecturers and assisted by a team of students, and all participants listened carefully. Then all the trainees tried to practice using the thermometer device, and they took turns measuring each other's body temperature without touching the tool. Training participants as service partners also provide responses and feedback on the material and training activities. The activity results show that there are additional skills for the two partners in getting to know electronic devices from Arduino devices, as indicated by the average response result of 78% of respondents strongly agree with the success of this program. The tool product in the form of an Arduino-based Contactless Thermometer from the training results can be used directly by partners to prevent the transmission of viruses and diseases in Islamic boarding schools and schools.


Contactless Thermometer; Counselling and Practice; Arduino Devices.

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