Riswandy Wasir, Lusyta Puri Ardhiyanti, Marina Ery Setiyawati


Abstrak: Angka stunting pada balita di wilayah Puskesmas Tugu, Kota Depok, menjadi keprihatinan karena dampak jangka panjangnya terhadap pertumbuhan anak. Dalam upaya mengatasi ini, kami bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada ibu hamil, ibu balita, dan kader terkait pencegahan stunting. Kami bermaksud meningkatkan kesadaran dan pengetahuan masyarakat terkait stunting melalui pendekatan edukasi. Dengan kerja sama antara Dosen dan Mahasiswa dari Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat, kami melaksanakan kegiatan penyuluhan yang melibatkan 35 peserta dari berbagai kelompok termasuk kader, ibu hamil, dan ibu balita. Materi disampaikan melalui ceramah, dibantu dengan distribusi leaflet. Evaluasi dilakukan melalui pre-test dan post-test untuk mengukur peningkatan pengetahuan, serta melalui monitoring perubahan perilaku. Peserta menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan rata-rata sebesar 30% setelah mengikuti edukasi. Diagram perbandingan pre-test dan post-test menggambarkan peningkatan ini. Pendekatan edukasi berhasil membantu mereka memahami stunting dan praktik gizi. Keberhasilan ini bukan hanya sekadar lancarnya kegiatan, tetapi juga peningkatan nyata dalam pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat terkait stunting dan perawatan anak.

Abstract: The prevalence of stunting among toddlers in the working area of Tugu Primary Health Center, Depok City, raises concerns due to its long-term impact on children's growth. In an effort to address this issue, our aim is to provide better understanding to pregnant women, mothers of toddlers, and community health workers (cadres) regarding stunting prevention. We intend to enhance awareness and knowledge within the community about stunting through educational approaches. Collaborating between faculty members and students from the Public Health Department, we conducted educational sessions involving 35 participants from diverse groups. The material was conveyed through lectures, supported by leaflet distribution. Evaluation was carried out using pre-test and post-test assessments to measure knowledge improvement, alongside behavior monitoring. Participants demonstrated an average knowledge increase of 30% after attending the education. A comparative diagram of pre-test and post-test results illustrates this improvement. The educational approach successfully facilitated understanding of stunting and nutritional practices. The achievement is not only reflected in the smooth implementation of activities but also in the substantial enhancement of knowledge and understanding within the community regarding stunting and child care.


Stunting; Cadre Empowerment; Nutritional Education; Pregnant Women; Toddler Mothers.

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