Abstrak: Masih banyak guru yang tidak mendasarkan bantuan yang diberikan pada pendekatan konseling tertentu sehingga tidak jarang sesi konseling berubah dan cenderung menasehati. Oleh karena itu, dirancanglah PkM dengan tema pelatihan keterampilan konseling person-centred untuk guru BK SMP di Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Pendekatan konseling person-centred termasuk dalam rumpun konseling humanistik yang bertujuan membantu konseli menuju arah pengembangan yang ingin dia capai. Program yang dirancang dalam pelatihan ini terdiri dari dua moda yaitu luring dan daring. Kegiatan luring yang dilakukan terdiri dari penyampaian landasan teori dan praktik, 5 keterampilan konseling person-centred dan simulasi sesuai teori yang sudah dipelajari. Sementara kegiatan daring dilakukan dengan memberikan peserta guru BK kesempatan eksplorasi kasus di sekolahnya melalui project based learning yang kemudian dilengkapi dengan kegiatan penugasan mandiri dan evaluasi. Dalam mengukur peningkatan selama pelatihan ini, peserta diberikan pre dan post-test. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan peningkatan pada aspek pemahaman dan praktik keterampilan dasar konseling person centred sebesar 22,5% pada 30 peserta. Harapannya setelah pelatihan ini, ilmu yang diperoleh dapat diterapkan sehingga proses pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konseling disekolah dapat berjalan dengan baik.
Abstract: There are still many teachers who do not base the assistance provided on a particular counseling approach, so it is not uncommon for counseling sessions to change and tend to give advice. Therefore, PkM was designed with the theme of person-centred counseling skills training for junior high school guidance and counseling teachers in Kulon Progo Regency. The person-centred counseling approach is included in the humanistic counseling group which aims to help the client towards the development direction he wants to achieve. The program designed in this training consists of two modes, namely offline and online. The offline activities carried out consist of conveying the theoretical and practical basis, 5 person-centred counseling skills and simulations according to the theory that has been studied. Meanwhile, online activities are carried out by giving BK teacher participants the opportunity to explore cases in their schools through project-based learning which is then complemented by independent assignment and evaluation activities. In measuring improvement during this training, participants were given pre and post-tests. The results of the training showed an increase in aspects of understanding and practice of basic person-centred counseling skills by 22.5% for 30 participants. The hope is that after this training, the knowledge gained can be applied so that the process of providing guidance and counseling services in schools can run well.
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