Abstrak: Kegiatan PkM ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan website dalam mendukung komunikasi dan silaturahmi serta menyediakan sarana mentorship para alumni SMA Primbana Medan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi SMA Primabana Medan saat ini yaitu belum adanya ikatan alumni yang menyebabkan kurang optimalnya komunikasi, silahturahmi para alumni dan belum efektif dalam menjangkau seluruh alumni serta data alumni tidak terdata dengan baik. Pelaksanaan dari kegiatan pengabdian pada SMA Primbana Medan ini mengacu pada metode Software Development Method yang sudah dimodifikasi terdiri dari tahap problem analysis, software requirement, software design, software contruction, software integration and tes, software delivery. Hasil evaluasi usability untuk mengidentifikasi user experience dan masalah interface website terhadap 43 responden berdasarkan aspek content, accuracy, format, easy of use, security, satisfaction dinyatakan bahwa setiap aspek pada website berpredikat sangat baik. Untuk nilai keseluruhan rata - rata berdasarkan semua aspek yang ada yaitu sebesar 88,74 % dan berpredikat sangat baik arti nya website telah berhasil memenuhi persyaratan dan kebutuhan yang di inginkan mitra dan para alumni.
Abstract: This community service activity aims to develop a website to support communication and friendship as well as provide a means of mentorship for alumni of SMA Primbana Medan. The problem currently faced by Primabana Medan High School is that there is no alumni association which has resulted in less than optimal communication and friendship between alumni and not being effective in reaching all alumni and alumni data is not recorded well. The implementation of service activities at Primbana Medan High School refers to the modified Software Development Method consisting of problem analysis, software requirements, software design, software construction, software integration and testing, software delivery stages. The results of the usability evaluation to identify user experience and website interface problems for 43 respondents based on the aspects of content, accuracy, format, ease of use, security, satisfaction stated that every aspect of the website was rated very good. The overall average score based on all existing aspects is 88.74% and is rated very good, meaning that the website meets the requirements and needs desired by partners and alumni.
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