Abstrak: Perubahan suhu, polusi udara akibat industri, dan aktivitas fisik berlebihan dapat memperburuk asma. Pasien asma desa Trangsan belum mampu menunjukan perubahan perilaku keseharian secara holistik dalam manajemen diri asma, sehingga memerlukan paparan informasi dan pendampingan manajemen diri asma dari kader kesehatan. Oleh karena itu, pemberian pendidikan kesehatan terhadap kader PTM asma desa Trangsan secara holistik dengan melibatkan interprofesi menjadi urgensi yang harus dilakukan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan manajemen diri asma, mengenalkan informasi dengan beberapa media penyuluhan dan Youtube dengan pendekatan interprofesi tim mahasiswa kesehatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah dan diskusi kelompok dari tim mahasiswa keperawatan, gizi, kedokteran dan fisioterapi terhadap 22 kader PTM asma desa Trangsan. Hasil kegiatan yaitu terbentuknya kelompok kader PTM asma desa Trangsan, terlaksananya paket program penguatan manajemen asma Tim interprofesi, dan adanya keaktifan 95% kader dalam kegiatan penyuluhan
Abstract: Temperature fluctuations, industrial air pollution, and excessive physical exertion can exacerbate asthma. Patients with asthma in Trangsan village have not exhibited comprehensive alterations in their daily routines with regard to asthma self-management. Consequently, they require exposure to information and assistance in the self-management of asthma from healthcare professionals. Therefore, it is imperative to provide comprehensive health education to asthma PTM cadres in Trangsan village through interprofessional collaboration. The objective of this initiative was to enhance asthma self-management knowledge, disseminate information through various counseling media, and utilize YouTube as an interprofessional approach to educate the health student team. The methodology employed involved lectures and group discussions conducted by a team of nursing, nutrition, medicine, and physiotherapy students for 22 asthma PTM cadres in Trangsan village. The results of the activity included the formation of a PTM asthma cadre group in Trangsan village, the implementation of an interprofessional team asthma management strengthening program package, and the active participation of 95% of cadres in counseling activities.
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