Mardiana Ahmad, Nurul Qisti Agusalim, Fentry H. Ruing, Nana Erna, Nurfajriah Basri, Masdianti Masdianti, Risma Asriani Azis


Abstrak: Kesehatan mental selama kehamilan merupakan aspek penting yang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan ibu dan perkembangan janin. Ibu hamil seringkali mengalami perubahan emosional dan fisik yang signifikan, yang dapat memicu stres dan kecemasan. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, pengetahuan dengan memberikan dukungan psikologis pada ibu hamil, guna memastikan kesehatan mental yang optimal selama kehamilan. Metode kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa dukungan psikologis dan edukasi tentang pentingnya kesehatan mental selama kehamilan yang dilaksanakan pada 27 April 2024 di Klinik Pratama Unhas Baraya dengan peserta 61 ibu hamil trimester I, II dan III. Penilaian Tingkat pengetahuan yang dilakukan melalui pre dan posttest. Hasil mengidentifikasikan bahwa terjadi peningkatan skor pada Tingkat pengetahuan yaitu nilai 8,37. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa memberikan edukasi dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran ibu hamil tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan mental selama hamil.

Abstract: Mental health during pregnancy is an important aspect that affects both maternal well-being and foetal development. Pregnant women often experience significant emotional and physical changes, which can trigger stress and anxiety. The purpose of this service is to increase awareness, knowledge by providing psychological support to pregnant women, to ensure optimal mental health during pregnancy. The method of this service activity is in the form of psychological support and education about the importance of mental health during pregnancy, which was held on April 27, 2024, at the Unhas Baraya Primary Clinic with the participation of 61 pregnant women in the first, second and third trimesters. Assessment of knowledge levels carried out through pre and posttest. The results identified that there was an increase in the score on the level of knowledge, namely a value of 8.37. So, it can be concluded that providing education can increase the knowledge and awareness of pregnant women about the importance of maintaining mental health during pregnancy.


Psychological Support; Education; Mental Health; Pregnant Women.

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