Rochmanah Suhartati, Dewi Peti Virgianti, Rudy Hidana, Yane Liswanti, Tanendri Arrizqiyani, Khusnul Khusnul, Talisa Nursalsabila, Meri Meri


Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Sekolah PAUD Al Urwatul Wusqo melalui pemeriksaan golongan darah ABO-Rhesus memiliki maksud dalam meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai kesehatan. Informasi tentang golongan darah ABO tidak hanya penting untuk pemeliharaan kesehatan individu, tetapi juga membantu memahami peran golongan darah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kesesuaian golongan darah dalam transfusi darah sangat penting untuk menghindari reaksi imunologis dan komplikasi klinis. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis golongan darah siswa dan orang tua dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat tentang pentingnya mengetahui golongan darah, sehingga mereka lebih siap dalam menghadapi situasi medis yang memerlukan pengetahuan tentang golongan darah. Metode pelaksanaan : kegiatan dilaksanakan melalui pemeriksaan darah terhadap siswa dan orang tua mereka dengan total sebanyak 51 orang peserta. Persiapan meliputi perencanaan, penyediaan alat dan bahan, serta persiapan dokumen yang diperlukan. Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan di lokasi sekolah dengan bantuan kepala sekolah, guru, dan orang tua siswa. Monitoring dilakukan selama pelaksanaan kegiatan untuk memastikan partisipasi peserta. Evaluasi dilakukan untuk menilai keberhasilan kegiatan dengan cara ceklist observasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar peserta mengikuti pemeriksaan golongan darah dan peserta mengalami peningkatan dari 0% menjadi 100% dalam memahami cara pemeriksaannya. Distribusi golongan darah ABO menunjukkan bahwa 10 orang (25%) bergolongan darah A, 14 orang (35%) bergolongan darah B, 4 orang (10%) bergolongan darah AB, dan 12 orang (30%) bergolongan darah O. Semua peserta memiliki golongan darah Rhesus positif. Pemeriksaan golongan darah penting untuk keamanan transfusi darah dan mengidentifikasi risiko penyakit tertentu.

Abstract: Community service activities at Al Urwatul Wusqo PAUD School Perum Graha Persada Sindangkasih through ABO-Rhesus blood type checks aim to increase public awareness and knowledge about health. Information about ABO blood groups is not only important for individual health maintenance, but also helps understand the role of blood groups in everyday life. Blood group compatibility in blood transfusion is essential to avoid immunological reactions and clinical complications. This activity aims to find out the type of blood type of students and parents and is expected to increase people's understanding of the importance of knowing blood type, so that they are better prepared to face medical situations that require knowledge of blood type. Implementation method: the activity was carried out through blood tests on students and their parents with a total of 51 participants. Preparation includes planning, provision of tools and materials, and preparation of necessary documents. Blood tests were conducted at the school site with the help of the principal, teachers, and parents. Each participant was given interesting snacks to attract their interest. Monitoring was conducted during the implementation of the activities to ensure the participation of the participants. Evaluation was conducted to evaluate the success rate of the activity. The results of the activity showed that most of the participants participated in the blood group examination. The distribution of ABO blood type A was 10 people (25%), blood type B was 14 people (35%), blood type AB was 4 people (10%), and blood type O was 12 people (30%). All participants had a positive Rhesus blood type. The importance of checking blood type is related to the safety of blood transfusions and the risk of certain diseases. In conclusion, this community service activity was successful in raising awareness about the importance of knowing blood type. It is recommended to continue periodic blood group checks, especially for new students.


Detection; Blood Group; ABO; Rhesus.

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