Wardani Rahayu, Erwin Sulaeman, Moch. Herlan, Ema Noviah


Abstrak: Penulisan artikel ini dilatar belakangi karena pentingnya hasil pembelajaran untuk diterapkan dalam memperbaiki mutu pendidikan. Guru sebagai penggerak dalam pembelajaran di kelas, tentu harus memiliki kualitas yang mampu mengembangkan penilaian kelas yang inovatif. Pentingnya menguatkan pemahaman guru terhadap praktik penilaian kelas melalui kegiatan pelatihan penilaian autentik. Pelatihan dilakukan di Madrasah Ibtidaiah (MI) Ma’had Istiqlal Kecamatan Klari Kabupaten Karawang Jawa Barat. Peserta pelatihan berjumlah 20 orang dengan kualifikasi pendidikan yang berbeda. Data diperoleh melalui pemberian posttest diakhir pelatihan, analisis data dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa guru MI di Kabupaten Karawang memiliki pengetahuan yang baik pasca mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan mengenai penilaian autentik, serta penerapannya dalam proses pembelajaran.


Abstract: The writing of this article is motivated by the importance of learning outcomes to be applied in improving the quality of education. The teacher as a driving force in learning in the classroom, but must have the qualities that are able to master classroom assessment in an innovative way. The importance of strengthening teacher understanding of classroom assessment practices through authentic assessment training activities. The training was conducted at the Madrasah Ibtidaiah (MI) Ma'had Istiqlal, Klari District, Karawang Regency, West Java. There were 20 trainees with different educational qualifications. Data obtained through posttest at the end of the training, data analysis with a quantitative approach. The results show that MI teachers in Karawang regency have good knowledge after participating in training activities on authentic assessment, and their application in the learning process


Strengthening; Authentic Assessment; Implementation K13

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