Yani Hendrayani, Uljanatunnnisa Uljanatunnnisa, Priyono Sadjijo, Rainer Fansiskus Nockas, Ilyas Naufal Zuhdi


Abstrak: Desa Jatisura dinilai memenuhi syarat memiliki potensi pariwisata dari segi sumber daya alam, sosial, dan budaya. Namun, pengembangannya menghadapi tantangan seperti rendahnya SDM, manajemen destinasi yang belum optimal, konflik kepentingan, dan hegemoni kekuasaan. Memaksimalkan keterlibatan dan Partisipasi masyarakat sangat menentukan kesuksesan melalui pengembangan Community Base Tourism. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi masyarakat desa dalam pengelolaan desa wisata serta meningkatkan kefahaman tentang Community Based Tourism. Metode yang digunakan adalah (a) FGD internal; (b) workshop dengan narasumber dari desa wisata percontohan untuk mengungkap hal-hal yang menarik yang akan dikembangkan di desa Jatisura; dan (c) Bencmarking ke Desa Wisata yang berprestasi tingkat dunia, yaitu Desa Nglanggeran. Terdapat tiga tahap yang dilaksanakan yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Tahap terakhir yaitu evaluasi yang mencakup pretest-posttest dan survey kepuasan yang berfungsi sebagai alat ukur ketercapaian kegiatan. Soal prestest dan posttest terdiri dari 10 soal pilihan ganda yang disebarkan melalui google form.Peserta pengabdian terdiri dari kelompok Masyarakat sadar wisata, pemerinta Dinas Pariwisata Indramayu serta representasi pemerintah desa, berjumlah 17 orang. Tingkat ketercapaian kegiatan didasarkan pada peningkatan nilai pretest-posttest dan angket kepuasan peserta. Hasil kegiatan diperoleh bahwa setelah penyelenggaraan workshop; (1) kefahaman tentang pengelolaan desa wisata melalui pendekatan community based turism meningkat sebesar (81%), selanjutnya; dan (2) kefahaman tentang partisipasi masyarakat dalam menciptakan hubungan yang erat antara pariwisata, masyarakat, lokal, dan pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat (70%).

Abstract: Jatisura Village, Indramayu, has great tourism potential in terms of natural, social, and cultural resources. However, its development faces challenges such as low human resources, suboptimal destination management, conflicts of interest, and hegemony of power. The Community Based Tourism approach that involves community participation is expected to overcome these problems to realize successful and sustainable tourism. This service activity aims to improve the competence of village communities in managing tourist villages and increase understanding of community-based tourism. The methods used are (a) internal FGDs; (b) workshops with resource persons from pilot tourism villages to reveal interesting things that will be developed in Jatisura village; and (c) Bencmarking to Tourism Villages that have achieved world-class achievements, namely Nglanggeran Village. There are three stages involved, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The last stage is evaluation, which includes a pretest-posttest and satisfaction survey that serves as a measuring tool for the achievement of the activity. The pretest and posttest questions consisted of 10 multiple choice questions distributed via google form. The service participants consisted of the Tourism Awareness Society group, the Indramayu Tourism Office government and village government representatives totaling 17 people. The level of achievement of the activity is based on the increase in pretest-posttest scores and participant satisfaction questionnaires. The results of the activity obtained that after organizing the workshop (1) Understanding of tourism village management through a community-based tourism approach increased by (80%), then; and (2) Understanding of community participation in creating a close relationship between tourism, community, local, and government in improving community welfare (70%).



Capacity Building; Community Based Tourism; Community Participation.

Full Text:



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